Collect 'Em All

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The day was normal patrol with Autobots. Fixit, Denny, Russell, and Nova (plus campy in her arms) were following by the monitor the progress. 

::This is Bumblebee and Grimlock:: Bee called through the comm, my engines barely soft enough to allow me to hear him. ::No sign of the fugitive.::

::Beta Team leaving sector 8 for sector 9:: Strongarm reported next. ::Zero contact, optical or auditory::

Sideswipe groaned through next, obviously thrilled about being paired with her. ::What she's trying to say, we got zotz.::

::What I'm doing is using language appropriate for Cybertronian law enforcers on duty, which Bee and I are::

"Except," Nova called, moving towards the control. "You're not on Cybertron. You're on earth, looking for a decepticon that has stolen a bunch of stuff from the native life forms of this planet." She could almost hear Sideswipe smirking.

"Our decpeticon signal keeps flopping-copping-dropping out," Fixit replied, having Nova rolling her optics at his insistent need of not fixing his hiccup. "Oh wait, it's back. And it's on the move."

::Alpha team, direct contact!::

::Party time!::

"Sideswipe," Nova called. "This isn't a party, but a pursuit."

::Regulation 134, section 2: 'An officer shall not initiate a high-speed chase without --::

::Like Nova said, this isn't Cybertron! ::

Then Scrap-yard bell ringed, meaning that someone was at the door. Denny and Russell went to check it. But right then Strongarm informed, ::Mayday, officers under attack!:: before she was cut off.

Nova wasted no time as she placed Campy on the ground before summoning her staff and opened the portal to their position. As she made it to the other side, Nova transformed into her Titan Mode upon arriving, dissipating her staff.

"Polly wants to crack me!" Sideswipe yelled, as he and Strongarm were pinned underneath the claws of the giant raven - like bird. 

Nova spread her wings, soaring quickly and directly into the con's chest, knocking him off the kids. They both fell to the ground behind her, safely. Nova crouched down low, retracting her wings as she brought out her armblades as she paired off with the con.

 The Decepticon screeched, saying something she couldn't make out, before charging Nova. She stood ready for a defense, but something yellow kicked it back out of the way. It fell to the ground again, Bee landing by her side. Grimlock pounded to a halt behind them, Strongarm and Sideswipe joining.

"Who needs punching?" the dinobot grinned, glaring at the con.

"Took you guys long enough." Nova commented.

"Time to go back in your cage," Bee called, aiming at the con.

She just screeches and flies into the air only to land on the same powerline. She then uses her beak to try and take something off of it.

"Careful Bee." Nova said to him as he climbs the powerline. The Con finally manages to snag what she wanted and takes off, but causes the cords to come undone and swing at Bee. They hit him which zapped him, making him fall.

"I got it! I got it!" Grimlock holds his arms out for him. Nova moved forward before using her TK power to slowly lift Bee and gently planted him on the ground. "That's okay, Grim.....I got him." Nova patting Grimlock as she bent down to Bee, watching his optics. "Yo Bee, You alright?" Nova asked as they came back online. Sideswipe helped Nova pull Bee up, groaning in pain.

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