The Buzz on Windblade

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Nova was sitting on Command center, while all Bee's team were trying to study horses. By what Strongarm had put notice if all Decepticons they had met so far, had some resembling of earth's animals, they could capture them if they study them. Although Nova, had to agree with Bumblebee, what kind con would be like a horse? maybe, centaur perhaps, but that is still not possible. Sideswipe got tired and decided to go for real training. When he left, Nova decided to check the prison list.

It took hours to move data to the tabs by earth's tablet then into her HQ, but it was worth it. Nova meanwhile was thinking about her dreams. She wondered who was that Mech she saw in her dream. Before it showed about someone comes through the portal from the statue while the other one showed about the Mech who caused the Alchemor to crash.

Is it really warning? But she didn't want to jump into conclusions.

She needs to see her visions through, so she can know for certain. A wrong guess could mean bad things to them. But then there's that one part where there are Sideswipe and Strongarm with someone else. Who is she? And why is there too?

The last data was ready and Nova stops thinking as she texted to Piper about keeping the Alchemor prisoner data files in her HQ, in case. She heads back to where her team were but she couldn't find them.

'Oh, don't tell me they got another mission already,' she thought.

She tried to look around until she heard noises where pods are. She went look there. The closer she gets there, the more clearly she could hear them. Yes, they all were there. And someone else. Who? She went look what was going on there.

"There you are guys, I was about to......"she said until froze up by seeing a new Bot. She...she looked like one in her dreams. It started to come on her again. The dark sky, the statue, the portal, Sideswipe and Strongarm with that Bot yelling in pain, fighting, someone coming from the portal.

"Nova?" echoed the voice of Strongarm, before it came clear. "Nova, are you okay?"

Nova snapped out of it as she replied, "Wh-who-who... is...?"

"Nova, this is Windblade,"Bumblebee said to introducing the new Bot. "She is here to protect the earth."

"Nova?" Windblade said while she looked the shocking human. "As in the Herald of Primus."

"How you know her?" Strongarm asked, surprised how she knew Nova's identity .

"While, I was in stasis, Primus also informed me about the Herald, who comes from Earth and will hold the important part to winning the evil that is to come," explained Windblade. 

'Evil? Could it be the bot in my vision?' Nova wondered

"Although, I didn't expect you to be human, Are you sure your really a Herald?"

Nova smirked before she transformed into her Titan Mode. "What do you think? And just to let you know, I have two forms." Nova answered.

Windblade smiled, impressed by her form as she said, "Your a Technorganic.......I guess that answers that."

Nova questioned, "So this evil.... a lot like the mission the Primes gave to Sire."


Bee whispered to Windblade, "She's the daughter of Optimus Prime.....not biologically, just adopted. They formed a Guardian Bond." which she understood.

"Sounds like a team-up situation," Windblade smiled again.

"Can we!?" Sideswipe asked, which gave Nova a strange look before he wiped it away. "I mean, uh, I think Windblade would be a great addition."

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