Nova's Filler: Omega Two Post Tour

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Nova was on her black sports bra and short, even rubber shoes. She was  jogging around, outside the scrapyard where she needed a little exercise for awhile since there is no Decepticon activity. Therefore, Bee's team are busy doing something else. Nova breathed heavily before drinking the water she got from her waist bag. 'Man, that was tiring and relaxing.' She said mentally.

She head back to the scrapyard entrance, where she was greeted by Campy who was hovering in the air, bringing a towel to her. "Thanks, Campy." She said, rubbing her sweat from her body.

Denny and Russell were walking passing by when they saw Nova came back from her exercise. Russell then noticed the scars on her upper body and a tattoo that was embedded on the chest, almost like it was from long time ago.

"Nova, Is that a scar on your arm?" Russell blurted.

Nova looked up to see Russell staring at her with curiosity which Denny said to him, "Russell, I don't think you should....."

"Nah....It's okay Denny. These scars.....I got them from battle." Nova stated which stunned Russell and Denny.

Fixit said surprised, "Really, You got those scars during your time with Bee's old team."

"Uh huh."

"Oohh I wanted to know how you got them."

Nova noticed the looks on their faces before she let out a sigh. "Fine....." as she showed her left arm. "This one....I got this from Arachnid...."

"Wait wait The Arachnid!!"

Nova whirled around to see Bee and his team came back from recon. "I heard from Bee that she was the rogue Decepticon." Strongarm said.

"Oh yeah, the dangerous spiderbot who tried to take Jack's head and wanted me as her pet."

Grimlock said, "Humans can be pets."

"No Grim.....She's a crazy and sadistic character, she was the one who marked me as a pet with her acidic nail."

Denny hisses at the sharp breath and said, "Ouch....that really hurt."

"Tell me about it but I'm glad I don't want to see that 4-legged wench." Nova added with venom before calming down. She pointed at her shoulder and said, "Here's the scar where Megatron captured me...."

Fixit exclaimed, "Megatron!!!!"

Strongarm said, "You were captured by Megatron!!!

They noticed the annoyed look on Nova's face, didn't like being interrupted. "As I was saying....yes, I was captured by him then he stabbed me with his DarkStar Saber. Unfortunately, the dark energon really affected my healing powers therefore left me with a scar."

Russell said, "So, what about the burn mark? It looks like it's been there the whole time."

"Oh this...I didn't get this from the war." Nova said, touching the burn mark on her upper chest.

"Then, where did you get it?"

Nova didn't respond when her expression became hardened, thinking about the traumatic past. Denny noticed it as he said, trying to change the subject, "So...What's the story about the tattoo?"

Russell looked at him confusedly before Nova replied, expression changes, "Oh that, actually it was one of the Omega Keys....." noticing the puzzled look on everyone's face, "Well, It was dubbed the Alpha Trion Key, I met him when I was sent back in time. It was suppose to be used to restore Cybertron however the key merged into me which it gave the reason I had Titan Mode in the first place."

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