Somebody Anybody

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Nova hummed a Cossack Lullaby song to herself as she was going over some files in the Scrapyard, since she was going over human report files regarding all the cases they've had the past month. She was lounging on a couch, reading them all and taking notes as to which ones were dealing with Decepticons. Bee told her to stay since she had some work to do while they're  out on a mission right now. Nova had to wait for the call in case if they need her help.

Campy and the tabby cat which she named her Luna, went over to Nova. She looked down at the two before petting each their heads. "Hey Campy....Hey Luna, Enjoying yourselves." Nova said with a smile which Campy let out a croon noise and Luna let out a cute meow.

 She was going back to going through the files. That was until Bumblebee called her in her watch as she answered, "Bee, what's wrong?"

::Sideswipe is missing. We were investigating a 'con signal and he arrived first. We heard him yell out over the com system, but he never answered back. We just arrived and he's no where to be seen.::

"Okay, I'm going to bridge myself to your location."

::Okay, be careful. I'll see you soon. I'm sorry to drag you in, I know you have work to do for Unit E.::

"It's alright, this is still my work as well. I'll see you soon."

As she stood up from the couch before turning to Campy and Luna, "I have to go investigate a Decepticon signal. Watch the fort for me." Which Campy nodded while Luna just meow. 

She waved slightly before walking through a portal she made. She walked through to see she was in a subway tunnel. The team was still standing there, minus Sideswipe.

Bumblebee said with relief, "Thank you for coming."

Nova nodded, "No problem. Do we know anything yet?"

Fixit piped up, raising his hand, "I can't pinpoint the locations of the Decepticon or Sideswipe."

Nova sighed, nodding. "You wouldn't be able to in these tunnels."

Bumblebee faced the other three. "Alright. Grim and Strongarm, you two will search the eastern subway tunnels." He motioned to Fixit next. "You, Nova and I will search the western tunnels." He looked at all of them then. "Any questions?"

Grimlock raised his hand, "Uh..."

Strongarm patted his side, "Eastern is this way, Grim."

Grimlock nodded, "Ah, thanks."

Nova smiled at him, "Just be careful, Grim. Keeps your audios open for any sign of the 'con."

Grimlock frowned down at Strongarm, not understanding the human saying. Strongarm just shrugged at that.

Bumblebee chuckled at them before getting serious again. "If you find Sideswipe, make sure he stays with you, any way you can."

Strongarm smirked, holding up a pair of stasis cuffs in her hands. "Stasis cuffs?"

Nova glared at her playfully, "Really, Strongarm?" before Strongarm heading off to the eastern tunnels as Grimlock followed her. Bumblebee heading off to the west with Nova and Fixit following him.

Nova, Bee and Fixit were exploring through the tunnel, searching for Sideswipe. "Creepy down here," Bee muttered, venturing off towards one of the walls. He scraped his digits across it, creating a metal screech against the cement. Nova cringed, shooting him a death glare.

"Strange," Fixit spoke after a few moments of silence.

"What is it?" Nova questioned.

Bumblebee frowned, peering down at his map. "Did you lose the signal?"

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