Can you dig it? (Here comes Jazz)

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After the reunion, Piper was sent back to Nova's base which she was disappointed that she had to go back shortly since she has a job to do. The next day, Nova and Bee were visiting Raf at Unit E's base because he wanted to meet Bee's teammates. 

 "Are you sure you want to come over now?" Bee asked

Raf nodded his head, pushing his glasses up on his nose. "Yeah. I've been dying to meet your teammates! Grimlock sounds really nice."

Nova smiled sheepishly, " Oh Yeah, he is. Well, He's been wanting to meet you. I also think it's because they find it weird that my friend is another species."

Raf chuckled softly, "Well, that's fair."

Bee said, "I'm sure your going to like my team."

Nova added, "Except Sideswipe and Strongarm."

Bee laughed softly at Raf's confused expression as he said, " Sideswipe and Strongarm, who acts like a teenager."

"And they act like it... They're always arguing and never back down. They're just both so stubborn if you ask me." Nova said, opening the portal with her staff.

Rafael chuckled, "Sounds like someone..."

Nova pouted at him, "Hey!"

Rafael laughed loudly, "You know it's true! You're one of the most stubborn people I've ever met."

"Oh, definitely." Bee agreed,

Nova rolled her eyes as she said, "Hey!! that's just rude. Both of you."

Raf held out his hand, bumping his fist against Bee's. "We know."

As they made it through the scrapyard, Grimlock who saw her first as he run towards her. "Nova!!!"

Nova held out her hand towards her friend, "Whoa, Grim!"

Grim stopped in time, grinning at her. "You're back."

Nova smiled softly, "Yeah....Sorry that we took so long. Oh Grimlock, I'd like for you to meet my friend, Rafael."

Rafael was gaping at the big 'bot before smiling at him, waving. "Hello. It's nice to meet you, Grimlock. I'm Rafael Esquivel, original member of Team Prime."

Grimlock leaned down and grinned at the little human, gently shook his hand with one of his fingers, something he had seen on TV. "It's nice to meet you, Raf."

Bumblebee smiled and walked off with Grimlock, talking to him about something so Raf could meet the others. "So, about those boxes you smashed..."

"Well, I need something to punch!"

Nova laughed as she took Raf further into the scrapyard. "Grimlock has a need to punch things."

Rafael smiled, "He seems like a wrecker."

She smiled softly down at her brother, her smiling looking a little sad as was his. "Yeah... He would fit right in with Wheeljack and Bulkhead... I hope they're doing alright." Then, Campy came out around the corner and saw Nova as it joyfully hopped onto her arm. "Oh Campy, Remember Raf?"

Campy turned to Raf who smiled at him before it brightened and went to his shoulder, nuzzling his face, making a crooning noise. "Hey Campy, I miss you too." Raf said, rubbing his helm.

"I can't believe you still kept him around." Raf turned to Nova.

"Are you kidding? He was my first...." Nova said.

"Well, at least he was friendly, unlike last time...."

"You mean the time where you found a cute innocent scraplet which turned out to be crazed metal-eating monster. How's that work out for you?" She smirked which she earned Raf's playful glare.

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