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Nova was meditating on the top of the cabin with her legs crossed in an Indian style. She was trying to commune with power of Allspark and Dark Energon, in order to try to balance both. As for Campy and Luna, they went off somewhere to play but they make sure not far from the scrapyard since Nova knows they'll come back. While meditating, Her face seems calm at first until her expression seems to be squinting as if she was having a nightmare or a daymare (A/N it's like daydreaming but combined with nightmare though I don't know if it's the right word.)


Nova opened her eyes and she was shocked that she was at the same place, the statue on the near river. The sky was getting dark, but not by rain clouds. It was Deja vu all over to her. She notices something on statue's pillar. The portal. Then she looked up and saw up same three Bots tied up. Sideswipe, Strongarm, and the unknown bot. They were yelling by pain because the power coming from the portal. She couldn't take the scene. She wanted to go and help them, but something holds her still again.


She felt fighting behind her, but she couldn't move. It's like some sort of force hold her still.

The portal came active and someone was coming from it. All she saw was same dark and purple color. And it's hands covered by this she felt like she has seen this stranger before, but she couldn't think where. Whoever he was, she felt that something bad is going to happen soon. Right, then she hears a familiar voice calling out to her.


End of Dreamscape

Which snapped out of Nova, eyes wide open before looking around, feeling startled.

"Hey, Nova are you alright?"

Nova looked down, only to find the voice belong to Russell. She sighed in relief and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine.....you just startled me."

"Oh sorry, Nova." Russell said apologetically.

"That's alright."

"Anyway, Good news! Dad bought a roller coaster,"

"No way, seriously!?" Nova gawked. She stood up from her cabin roof and jumped down. "Let's go!"

"It's not setup yet, Nova," Bee laughed, who just appeared. "We're still working on it," he gestured to the mountains, where sure enough, the autobots were working on building a roller coaster through the mountains.


"Hey, while we're waiting, do you want to play some football? Help me prepare for a big game?" Russell cheered, running for his ball already. Nova hurried after him as he found his ball, with the help from his dad, and was dancing around it proudly.

"That was my touchdown dance," he smiled cockily. "Did you like the moves?"

"Like is a very strong word," Denny chuckled teasingly. Nova smiled, waving to Denny, who in the middle of waving to her got distracted by the bots on the mountain behind her. "Aw, the bots make it look so easy," he grumbled, watching them work with a smug look on his face. "Moving tons of metal like that."

"It is easy," Nova promised him. "If you're three stories tall,....."

"And can crush train cars with your bare hands," Russell added.

"Hmm......I've never seen anyone do that," Nova countered, the boy smiling.

"Ask Grimlock."

"Do we seem like ..... insignificant little bugs to you guys?" Denny asked in innocent curiosity.

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