Deep Trouble

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After that incident, Nova sent another report to Fowler about the new teammate which he was thankful that they could use an extra hand. Once they settled at the scrapyard, Drift and his minicons were startled when they saw a scraplet playing with a tabby cat. At first they were worried which Bee managed to explained everything to him. Drift was surprised that the fact Nova tamed a scraplet. Jetstorm and Slipstream were relieved when they petted Campy with ease, especially Luna the cat.

The next day, Nova waited by the finish line to the obstacle course, waiting on the team. Bumblebee, Drift, Denny and Russel were waiting with her as well. Denny was working the crane that would drop some heavy spaceship rides across the course. Russell had a megaphone, calling out encouragements to the team with Bee who didn't need one. Drift was watching silently, evaluating his students' performances.

Nova spotted the team in the distance, Sideswipe and Strongarm tied as they raced to the finish line. Jetstorm and Slipstream were behind them with Grimlock in last, just barreling through obstacles instead of dodging them.

Russell called out to the team, "Let's go, 'bots. Hustle up!"

Bee grinned at Nova, "Optics wide out there. Be ready for anything!" He then raised his hand to Denny, nodding at him. Denny saluted Bee before pulling the lever. The three spaceships flew from their spot, right at Sideswipe and Strongarm. The two of them had to drift around them but made it past. Slipstream and Jetstorm ducked under and rolled to avoid them. Grimlock was too sure of himself and his ability to just run through obstacles. He got hit by the spaceship, right by the seam of his midsection.

Nova didn't see Grimlock get hit, too busy with her part. She opened a portal right in front of the finish line, the other end opening back in the obstacle course. She laughed when Sideswipe gunned it, transforming at the last second and jumping over the ground bridge and making it. Strongarm braked before jumping over the ground bridge, transforming right before she got to it. Jetstorm and Slipstream jumped up on the shelves on the sides, using them to get safely across and making it. Grimlock didn't notice until it was too late, falling into the portal.

Sideswipe smirked at Strongarm, "Like the view from back there?" 

Strongarm rolled her optics, placing her servos on her hips. "You tell me. I was beating you for half of the course."

Nova high-fived the mini 'bots when they passed her, smiling at them. She then moved forward, waiting on Grimlock with a frown on her face. "He was too distracted to notice my portal Something's up with him."

Bumblebee stood beside her, "I'll ask him when he gets back here, but I'm sure it's nothing. We all have off days."

Nova sighed softly, nodding with agreement. That was true, she has more than her fair share of bad days. "You're probably right." She cheered up when she saw Grimlock striding up to them. "There you are!"

Bumblebee patted Grimlock on the arm, looking up at the Dinobot. "You were a little slower than usual, Grimlock. You all right?"

Grimlock grinned at Nova and Bee, nodding his head. "Top notch. I just didn't wanna make the new 'bots feel bad."

Bee nodded at him, patting his arm again. "Good." He then began strolling away, calling back as he did. "We need you at your best. You're our muscle, without you we'd be sunk."

Nova looked at Grimlock, not doing a good job at hiding how worried she was. Grimlock smiled at her, pushing her after Bee. "I'm fine, Nova! Promise."

She knew it was lie because she was able to detect lies but sigh slightly before nodding, jogging after him. "Alright, alright." She smiled back at him before she turned a corner, shaking her head fondly. 

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