Similarly Different

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Nova (human form) slowly opened her eyes and notice she was standing in some kind of dark purple void, covered in mist. She wondered that she's back in the realm of Primes but the aura around her feels eerie. Nova looked around noticed a familiar figure within the mist. She doesn't recognize that Cybertronian and by the looks of the appearance, he seem different from a Decepticon.

'Who is he? Why do I get the feeling there's something about this guy?' Nova wondered.

She watched as the Dark Mech raised his servo, opening somekind of tear in the air, revealing a ship in space. Nova's eyes widened when she recognize the ship, 'Wait a minute, That's the Alcehmor!! What is he....?'

The Dark Mech waved his servo across the tear which cause the Alchemor's engine to explode, much to her surprise. He watched the Alchemor set coordinates which revealed to be Earth as it arrived and crashed onto the Earth's atmosphere, some of the parts breaking apart before the tear closes itself.

'What did he do?!!! Did he cause the alchemor to crash land on Earth?! Why would he do that?!' Nova exclaimed

That's when the Dark Mech raised his head, almost as if he sensed something. Nova watched as the figure slowly turned his head and saw her.

"Megatron?" Nova said or she thought. The moment she looked at the Mech, he doesn't look like Megatron but a different Mech in purple and gray, even the face was covered in an eerie mask.

He slowly walk towards her before halting in his track, his shadow towering the technorganic. "Wait.....Your not Megatron? Who are you?" Nova said but the figure still gazed at her.

That's when the purple flame appeared, surrounding them where you can hear thunderstorm in the background. "W-What? I don't get it....Who are you?!" Nova demanded.

Received no reply, The Dark Mech still gazing at her before raising his servo until everything went black.

End of Dreamscape

Nova woke up with a sweat and breathing heavily. She said with a voice cracking, "Ok....That was intense." 

Then, she was startled again by the sound of Cabin Door open, she got up from her bed in her defense stance before relaxing when she saw it was only Russell who seem irritated in his tired look. Nova wondered why he was inside until she detected the sound of Denny snoring in the camper, and Russell's tired face, and Nova understood immediately. 

"Hey Nova," he yawned, stretching his hands above his head. "Is it alright..... Could I bunk with you tonight?"

Looking at him reminded of Raf when he slept with Nova at the sleepover since 5 years ago. She smiled, nodded her head, "Sure...."

Russell settled in Nova's large sleeping bag. "Thank you," he yawned again.

"Not a problem," Nova replied as both of them fall asleep.

The next day, Russell had left her cabin a while ago, meeting his father in the diner for breakfast. He was in a much better room, having rested decently with Nova. She talked him through asking his dad for a separate residence, at least to keep the snoring down.

She was wandering around the scrapyard, wondering how Sire was doing in the Realm of Primes. She hoped that she get to see him again as if it was a dream for her. Speaking of dream, she began to wonder what her nightmare is about? Who was that Dark Mech? Could it be her vision that's warning her? So, many questions went through her head wondering in fright about her nightmare that just happen few days ago.

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