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The Next Night...

3rd Person POV...

Karai and Galen were both on night patrol,patrolling around Ninjago City looking for any suspicious activity,soon they both stopped on a roof to take a break. "No sign of any Final Order activity" Galen said "it's been hard to anticipate the Final Order's movements" Karai said "ya,they are like a shadow in the wind" Galen said "because a shadow in the wind makes it harder for your opponents to expect a attack" a deep demonic sounding male voice said from behind the two. They both turned around to see Jei standing there "Jei" Galen said "in the flesh,mortal" Jei said as Galen looked over at Karai who nodded as she took out her sword as Galen activated the Darksaber as Jei pulled out his weapon. Galen charged at Jei,Galen suddenly jumped up into the air as Karai threw several daggers at him which Jei deflected with his weapon as Galen zoomed down as the Darksaber clashed against Jei's weapon. Jei soon saw that Karai was running towards them which he quickly knocked Galen off his feet and kicked him hard sending him hard into a wall. Soon Jei turned to face Karai who charged at the Humanoid wolf who stepped aside and hit Karai in the back of the head with the blunt end of his weapon knocking her out. "Perfect" Jei said before a Final Order shuttle landed on the roof as he took Karai on board as Galen slowly woke back up to see the ship beginning to fly away,Galen quickly leaped onto the shuttle holding onto the side of the ship staying out of sight as he pressed several buttons on his on his comlink sending out his homing beacon as the ship took off.

Meanwhile at the Ex-Resistence Base...  

All the ninja were in the control room when the computer flashed red "what was that?" Jay asked "a homing beacon" Zane said as a map of Ninjago and the endless sea was shown as a red dot was moving across the sea. "It's Galen Barnes homing beacon" Zane said "he's going the same way that Final Order fleet had gone" Arcturus said as the red dot stopped on a familiar island that the ninja knew too well "Galen's homing beacon stopped on....

Chen's Island"  

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