Freeing Steel Prime

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Back at the Prison...

3rd Person POV...

Fives and some other clones helped Pythor get Ali on a stretcher as Galen was using the darksaber to cut open the door to Prisoner X's cell "Pythor,we got Ali,go help Bucky Jr" Fives said which Pythor looked down at Ali who weakly opened his eyes and nodded before he closed them. Pythor slithered over to the doors as Galen finished cutting the doors open,they soon made their way in to see a White and gray Serpentine strapped to a pillar over fire "whoa!" Jay shouted. "Nya? could you?" Bucky Jr asked which Nya nodded before she sent water at the flames putting them out as the mysterious serpentine opened his eyes to reveal light blue glowing ones as he looked at the ninja. "You must be the ninja I heard so much about" Steel said before he looked over at Windred "Windred old friend" Steel said as he looked over at Bucky Jr. "And you must be Bucky Jr,son of Felix,the greatest being in the whole universe" Steel said as they cut his restraints. Steel landed on the ground as he stretched his sore muscles "that's much better,thanks" Steel said "let's go,we need to leave this island,now" Lloyd said "that's the ting,we can't leave just yet" Steel said "why is that?" Jay asked "well I hid a clue to the whereabouts of my amulet on this island" Steel said "but don't you remember where you hid the amulet?" Cragger asked "no,I made myself forget the amulet's location,but I do remember placing clues to it's whereabouts in different locations,one is here on this island" Steel said "where is it then?" Bucky Jr asked "oh,it's with a dear friend of mine,and that friend is....

Sir Pentious     

Sir Pentious     

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