Love at first sight

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A Week later after Cyrus's death...

3rd Person POV...

Ever since Cyrus died things became a mess after Pythor and Polaris found out about their brother's death they became distraught with grief. Along with the fact that the principal for the school was dead,but soon Xavier Chumsworth in honor of his fallen brother,he became the new principal.

Bucky Jr and the others walked inside the school along with Esther's sister Raya who had recently joined,Raya followed Esther down the hall when she accidentally ran into Randall who had just exited the restroom. Randall's books fell onto the ground "oh,I'm so sorry!" Raya said as she picked up Randall's books and handed them over to Randall "thanks,the name is Randall Boggs" Randall said "Raya,Raya Brookstone" Raya said "thanks" Randall said "of course" Raya said blushing a little as Randall looked a little embarrassed "w-would you like to go to the library later and study?" Randall asked "sure" Raya said which Randall smiled. "Great" Randall said before Raya walked off as Randall watched her walk away. "She is so beautiful" Randall said before he followed Raya into homeroom as Daniel and the other ROAR members watched Randall go into his homeroom "seems Randall has fallen in love with one of the Ninja's children" Daniel said before looking at the other ROAR members nodded.

"Let's teach Randall a lesson"        

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