Welcome to Jurassic World

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3rd Person POV...

Bucky Jr and the others walked around inside the Jurassic World Innovation Center,Bucky Jr,Esther and Arc Trooper Jesse were exploring the lab while Zane and the others were trying to get the power back up in the control room. Bucky Jr looked around the room as Jesse picked up a piece of amber examining it "looks like this place was abandoned, recently,everything it still here and it's still clean" Jesse said "ya that is odd" Bucky Jr said as Esther was looking at some amber when a Compy jumped at her scaring her. She jumped back hitting the wall which the wall slide open revealing a hidden room "stupid Compy! hate them" Esther said "look" Bucky Jr said as they peeked into the hidden room to see it looked like a private lab. Bucky Jr,Esther and Jesse walked inside the lab to see several computers,test tubes and several creatures that looked like they were experimented on in glass cases. "Someone was doing some strange experiments here" Jesse said as he and Bucky Jr were looking around the private lab as Esther was reading a book that she found on one of the desks as she felt something calling for her from behind her,Esther soon turned around to see some sort of staff in a glass display case. 

Esther walked up to the case looking at the strange looking staff as she looked at the label on the side of the case to see it said that the staff was called "The Shadow Staff" which is a creation of dark magic

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Esther walked up to the case looking at the strange looking staff as she looked at the label on the side of the case to see it said that the staff was called "The Shadow Staff" which is a creation of dark magic. Esther couldn't explain this feeling she felt towards the staff as she opened the case and pulled out the strange staff as she felt this weird energy flow through her as she pointed the staff over at a nearby wall which a dark purple energy ball came out of the staff and created a shadow portal! "Whoa!" Esther shouted which Bucky Jr and Jesse rushed over next to her "whoa!" Jesse said in amazement "you did that?!" Bucky Jr said  amazed too "I did!" Esther said as the portal closed which Esther felt tired after using the staff. She placed the staff on her back along with the Starsaber just as the the lights turned on "seems Zane got the power back on" Bucky Jr said "ya" Esther said before they walked out of the room to meet up with Zane and the others.

A Hour Later... 

Esther was sitting outside the Innovation Center,alone,Bucky Jr and the others were inside the Innovation Center,Esther looked at the shadow staff thinking about who was the one that created it and why? Esther placed the staff on the steps next to her as she looked at the glorious sunset as she suddenly heard loud stomping footsteps which made her grab the Shadow staff because she left the starsaber inside,suddenly a Carnotaurus  named Toro charged at Esther.

Esther was sitting outside the Innovation Center,alone,Bucky Jr and the others were inside the Innovation Center,Esther looked at the shadow staff thinking about who was the one that created it and why? Esther placed the staff on the steps next to...

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Esther tried to create another Shadow portal but nothing happened as Toro rammed into Esther knocking her down onto the ground as the dinosaur approached her she scooted back as she heard another dinosaur roar but this one was sounded louder as a battle scared T-Rex named Rexy knocked Toro away as Rexy stood over Esther.

Esther tried to create another Shadow portal but nothing happened as Toro rammed into Esther knocking her down onto the ground as the dinosaur approached her she scooted back as she heard another dinosaur roar but this one was sounded louder as a ...

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Rexy roared at Toro who roared back at Rexy as Toro charged at them trying to get Esther from where she was under Rexy but luckily Rexy intervened by chomping down on Toro's snout which Toro roared in pain. As Rexy pushed Toro to reveal a big cut on Toro's snout that would soon become a scar,Toro whined in pain as Rexy roared at Toro causing the carnotaurus to run away. Rexy then looked down at Esther who was still sitting under the T-Rex,Esther looked up at Rexy in amazement,a T-Rex had just saved her life and was showing zero aggression towards her. Rexy lowered her snout to be leveled with Esther's face "thank you" Esther said as she gently touched Rexy's snout which made Rexy purr.  "Esther" a voice said from behind her which she turned around to see Bucky Jr and the others standing there "how long have you guys been standing their?" Esther asked "long enough,Esther,long enough" Bucky Jr said as Rexy stood back up and roared.

"Welcome to Jurassic World" 

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