Sneaking Out

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3rd Person POV...

Borg Tower...

Felix,Orion,Nick,Luna,Silas,Polaris,Pixal,Garmadon,Wu,Acid Verlice,Skales,Negan and Charlie were up in the 100th floor of Borg Tower along with Cyrus Borg. Negan and Charlie were sent their under the care of Polaris since Galen was on the island and Goldie was away looking for Evan,Elizabeth and his mother. The two teens were sitting at a nearby table bored as Polaris stood nearby looking and listening into the conversation that Felix and the others were having with Borg. Negan looked over at Charlie "psst" Negan said which Charlie looked over at him "want to go to do something cool?" Negan asked Charlie "sure,anything is better than sitting here doing nothing" Charlie said before they sneaked past Polaris entering the elevator before Negan pressed several buttons as the elevator doors closed as they went down.

Time Skip...  

Soon the elevator arrived in the big garage "come on!" Negan shouted as they ran over to a green car which was Lloyd's old car that he used back when the Sons of Garmadon appeared. "Lloyd's car?" Charlie asked "yep" Negan said pulling out the keys "how?!" Charlie asked shocked "I snagged them from Borg when he wasn't looking,now come on! this will be fun!" Negan said as they were about to unlock the car when. "Stop right their you two" a familiar voice said which made both of them freeze in place before they turned around to see Polaris standing their with his claws on his hips. He looked at both teens the ones he was supposed to be looking after "neither of you have a drivers licenses,but I do,I drive" Polaris said as he slithered over which surprised both teens. "Your not mad?" Charlie asked "oh,I'm mad that you didn't ask me,but I'm bored too,lets go on a ride through Ninjago" Polaris said as he used his magic to make his robe appear on him before he smiled at them.    

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