A very Terrifying Punishment

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3rd Person POV...

Pythor and his new son Ali were pushed back into their cell before the cell door closed behind them before Pythor looked over at Ali who pulled out a blue piece of paper which Pythor grabbed and opened up to reveal that they were blueprints of the prison. "How?" Pythor asked "when Vlad and his partner  Severus were distracted I grabbed them" Ali said as Pythor studied the blueprints before he hid them under a stone slab under his bed "we will share this with the others,now lets get some shut eye" Pythor said before they both climbed in bed which Ali slept in the same bed as Pythor.

The Next Morning... 

The two were woken up by the sound of their cell door opening roughly,they soon were dragged out of their cell to be thrown onto the ground alongside Kai,Cole and Cragger along with Windred and the others. Pythor held onto Ali protectively as Vlad slithered over along with Severus "we have a thief in our mist,a thief that stole some important blueprints of this very prison" Vlad said before he looked down at Pythor and Ali "you know who took them?" Vlad asked "no" Pythor said which Vlad looked over at the two Final Order Stormtroopers that stood nearby "check" Vlad said which the two stormtroopers walked into Pythor's and Ali's cell. They looked around the cell and under Pythor's bed until they moved the slab pulling out the blueprints. The trooper walked out of the cell handing over the blueprints to Vlad who looked over them before he looked down at Pythor and Ali "who took these?" Vlad asked "it was me,it was all me" Pythor said "hmm,Severus grab the boy" Vlad said which Severus walked over and seized Ali from Pythor's arms "no! it was me! punish me!  it was me!" Pythor shouted in pure desperation as Vlad looked over at Severus smirking. "Severus show our prisoners here what happens when they fall out of line" Vlad said "gladly" Severus said before he bit down on Ali's arm causing him to scream in agony. Pythor's eyes widened in pure terror as he tried to help his adopted son but a Storm Trooper held him back as Vlad and Severus looked down at Ali who was crying as his body glowed green . "Humans,always the weakest link" Vlad said as Ali's skin changed into purple scales which burned him,Ali soon looked over at Pythor which Pythor gasped as he saw that Ali's eyes had changed to blood red glowing snake eyes. Ali still in very terrible pain reached out towards Pythor with his hand,Severus kicked Ali in the side causing Ali to cry out in pain which made Pythor's blood boil when suddenly his fists were engulfed in purple flames just as the whole prison shook "what in the blaze's is going on!?" Vlad shouted as Pythor's eyes glowed flaming purple.

(Start at 1;03)

Pythor then elbowed the storm trooper that held him as he roared in fury as his body had flames appear on him as he grabbed a Stormtrooper by the neck cracking his neck before he grabbed a trooper with his tail and squeezed him to death before throwing the dead body at a group of troopers. He soon bit a storm troopers head off before he sent a wave of purple flames at the stormtroopers that held his friends burning them into ash as to everyone's surprise Pythor grew two more arms,Pythor now with four arms grabbed another trooper and ripped his arms off as 7 riot final order troopers ran at him which he sent a wave of purple flames at them turning them into ash before he grabbed Severus and threw him into a nearby wall as he turned to attack Vlad to find out that he had run away. Soon Pythor's eyes returned to normal as the two arms disappeared before he fainted falling onto the ground. Razer and Markus quickly slithered over and helped Pythor back up as he regained his conciseness,Pythor held his head as looked over where Ali was to see that everyone was around him. Pythor slithered over as Cole and Kai moved out of the way to reveal Ali now as a Anacondrai resting against Windred as Pythor crouched down to be leveled with Ali's snout "A-Ail?" Pythor asked as Ali weakly opened his red glowing eyes as his tail that replaced his legs swayed around on the ground. "D-Dad?" Ali asked weakly "I'm here" Pythor said holding his hand "he's weak,he needs to be exaimed by a Serpentine Doctor" Windred said as the door was busted down as Hunter,Echo,Crosshair and Galen ran out soon followed by Bucky Jr,Lloyd,Jay,Nya and Zane walked in along with everyone else,Pythor smiled as he realized that they were saved as he looked back at Ali still holding his hand.

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