Joyride turned to Mission

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3rd Person POV...

Lloyd's car sped along the streets outside of Ninjago City,Polaris was the one driving while both Negan and Charlie were in the back seats,soon they stopped at a gas station to fill the car with gas.

Meanwhile at Borg Tower...

Borg was busy on his computer as Felix was talking with everyone including Garmadon,Wu and Misako "so the ninja and my son are still trapped on Chen's Island,Net also taking off with Captain Howzer,for our kids,Arcturus Jr,Rostia,Derek,Ria and Eno will be sent to the Monastery of Airjitzu along with my son Pedro,Char and Mr.E" Felix said "we have patrols all over Ninjago,we will find them" Orion said as a alarm goes off "what is that?" Luna asked "face recognition software picked up a match" Pixal said as a familiar face was shown on the big screen,it was General Cryptor who was driving a purple truck "Cryptor" Wu said "by my calactions they are transporting a item of high value judging by the amount of trucks" Pixal said "locate the closet ally that can intercept them" Felix said as Pixal typed away on the computer "Polaris is the only closet person to them" Pixal

 "contact Polaris immediately" 


Commander Mayday along with Clone Troopers Hexx and Veetch watched as the Final Order Convoy drives into a old factory,Mayday pulled out his binoculars as he watched Cryptor exited the truck along with a familiar white Anacondrai. "This is Commander Mayday,I have to confirmed targets,General Cryptor and Phenex Chumsworth,clear to inflate?" Mayday asked "you may,but remain out of sight" Pixal said as Mayday and his two troopers slid down the hill.


General Cryptor and Phenex moved over to the big blast doors "so what do you know about this Hecate Armaros?" Phenex asked slithering along side Cryptor "not much,but that he is a Anacondrai and a Lord of the Sith" Cryptor said as the blast doors opened to reveal a Anacondrai who had blood red glowing eyes and was wearing red and black armor.

General Cryptor and Phenex moved over to the big blast doors "so what do you know about this Hecate Armaros?" Phenex asked slithering along side Cryptor "not much,but that he is a Anacondrai and a Lord of the Sith" Cryptor said as the blast doors ...

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The armored serpentine slithered over as his lightsaber swayed as they moved over "I have what you want,take it and leave I have a important mission to go take on,taking down Jedi Net and his Venator which need a lot of perpetration to do" Hecate said as two storm troopers dragged a crate into a truck as both Cryptor and Phenex climbed back into their truck not knowing that Mayday,Hexx and Veetch had snuck on board a truck

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