Exploring the Island

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4 days Later...

3rd Person POV...

"Okay,okay,bring it this way" a Clone Trooper shouted as Bucky Jr and Esther who were on the backs of their dragons who were both holding onto a rope that was connected to the Bounty,they gently set the Bounty outside the Innovation Center. Bucky Jr and Esther land their dragons on the ground as Bucky Jr climbed off of Wurin's back as Denal ran over. "Me,Gregor and Zane managed to get some of the electric fences working,that should keep any dinosaurs from wandering in here" Denal said "good job" Bucky Jr said as Fives and Jesse ran over from the Innovation center "anything from Crosshair?" Bucky Jr asked "him and Fireball said they saw Pythor,Kai,Cole and Cragger but no Lloyd,Jay and Nya" Fives said "then they must be somewhere else on this island" Bucky Jr said "agreed" Esther said "I have a plan,we split up,Fives,you stay here with Zane and some of Gregor's men,continue to repair the Bounty while myself and Denal explore Chen's old palace,Esther and Gregor the far south jungle area of the park,Fives tell Crosshair to stay where he and Fireball are and tell him if anything changes contact you then me" Bucky Jr said "yes sir" Fives said as everyone got ready to head out.

A week and 4 days later... 

Kai,Cole,Cragger and Pythor were pushed inside the Final Order prison,the guards had made them get dressed in prison uniforms which reminded Kai,Cole and Pythor of their experience at Kryptarium prison. They walked inside to see several prisoners being put in their cells by Final Order Stormtroopers,the four were brought before the Warden Count Vlad Chumsworth,to the four's surprise standing next to the Warden was Karai. "Karai?" Kai asked "shut it Prisoner!" Karai said as Vlad slithered up to the four,he looked over at Kai and Cole "so you two are part of the so called Famous Ninja?" Vlad said "ya,we are-" Cole began to say when Vlad interrupted him "I don't want to hear it Cole,I know both of you,oh and don't worry I have men out all over this island searching for the rest of your friends" Vlad said before he looked over at Cragger. "You must be Cragger the prince of Chima's croc tribe,I'm so sorry to hear about Laval's death,since Mount Cavora is gone,no more chi,Laval got sick,right? didn't he die in your arms?" Vlad said smirking. "How dare you speak of my best friend like that!" Cragger shouted as he tried to charge at Vlad but Pythor held him back. "I will kill you!" Cragger shouted as Pythor held him back "still as fearsome and viciously as always" Vlad said as he looked over at Pythor who glared at the white vampire serpent. "And finally the main serpent himself,Pythor P.Chumsworth,former king of snakes and once adopted father of Felix Barnes" Vlad said smiling evilly. "You four will be here a long time" Vlad said as the four were taken to their cells,Pythor was shoved into a cell making him fall on the dusty ground. Pythor stood back up before dusting off the dirt from his prison suit as he looked outside the cells bars growling when whimpering coming from inside the cell he was in. Pythor looked towards the source to see a little boy who looked like he was 9 years old,the boy looked at Pythor in fear,Pythor slowly slithered over which resulted with the kid whimpering more. It broke his heart to see a kid be scared of him again "it's okay,little one,I won't hurt you,my name's Pythor,what is your name?" Pythor asked "Ali" Ali said shaking "where's your parents?" Pythor asked which it seemed to upset Ali because he started to tear up as he ran over to Pythor and hugged his waist crying "they are gone" Ali cried burying his face in Pythor's chest. Pythor wrapped his arms around the boy returning the hug as he rested his snout on top of Ali's head as he heard Ali cry "It's okay,your okay" Pythor said rubbing his back as Ali cried. "I know how you feel,I lost my parents when I was your age,I lost my brother Cyrus and my tribe,even thought I lost so much,I gained stuff in return,I adopted two kids that both had lost their parents when they were your age,I married a pyro viper sorceress,had two kids,but now..." Pythor said looking down at Ali. "I have a question for you Ali" Pythor said "ya?" Ali said as Pythor wiped the tears away "how would you like to live with me?" Pythor asked "really?!" Ali said "of course,I will treat you like if you were mine and Aspheera's hatchling" Pythor said which Ali hugged Pythor's chest tighter "thank you! thank you!" Ali said in excitement which made Pythor chuckle as he gently patted the boy's head "your welcome,son" Pythor said as he held his son close looking outside the cell wanting to keep him safe just like he did with Felix......


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