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3rd Person POV...

Jurassic World Park...

Bucky Jr,Denal and Karma slid the crates of weapons and armor nearby the Bounty as Chompy and Wurin were both asleep nearby it. Karma wiped away some sweat from his forehead as he sat down on one of the crates as Fives and Jesse walked over. "I can see that your part of the mission was a success" Fives said "yep,we found weapons and armor and him" Bucky Jr said pointing over at Karma "how's the Bounty?" Bucky Jr asked "almost fully complete,still need that power source to repower the ship" Fives said as Bucky Jr looked around seeing that Esther wasn't there. "Esther not back yet?" Bucky Jr asked "no,no sight of her and her group,yet" Fives said when Wurin and Chompy stood back on their feet growling. Everyone turned in the direction that that they were growling at was only Gregor,Lloyd,Nya and Jay but Bucky Jr didn't see Esther with them. "Where's Esther?" Bucky Jr asked Gregor "she distracted Final Order forces so that we could get away" Lloyd said which Bucky Jr dropped his hammer before he passed Lloyd and the others. "Bucky where are you going?" Jay asked "I'm going out there and finding her" Bucky Jr said not looking at them "but you can't,it's too dangerous out there" Nya said which Bucky Jr turned to face them. "I don't care! I need to find her! no one will tell me otherwise,not Fives,not the ninja,only ME!" Bucky Jr shouted as his eyes flashed purple as his fists glowed purple. Lloyd noticed "Bucky Jr,calm down,don't lose control of yourself" Lloyd said which Bucky Jr's eyes went back to normal  before he held his sore forehead. "I'm sorry,I don't know what came over me" Bucky Jr said "you let anger take over,you must control it before it controls you" Lloyd said as Jesse climbed off the Bounty "repairs are all complete" Jesse said "and we have the perfect source of power" Bucky Jr said looking back at Lloyd. "I think I know what your thinking" Lloyd said as Bucky Jr looked back at the Bounty then back in the direction that Lloyd and the others had come from and where Esther had gone. Bucky Jr took a deep breath "we need to attack the prison now,strike with the element of surprise" Bucky Jr said "then let's go then!" Jesse shouted as everyone climbed onto the Bounty as Lloyd summoned his powers before he sent a energy blast into the bounty powering it up as the Bounty lifted up and flew towards the prison as both Wurin and Chompy followed.   

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