The Lost Hybrid

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3rd Person POV...

The metal door opened which soon Esther,Boost,Wrecker,Tech and Batcher walked into what looked like a arena,they could see Sir Pentious sitting in his seat with Pre Vizsla. Wrecker and Tech slid on their helmets as Esther pulled out her DC-17 pistol from it's holster as the blast door opened up to reveal several battle droids.

"Clankers!" Boost shouted as walls slid up from the floor providing them cover,Esther fired her blaster hitting two B1 battle droids in their heads. Three super battle droids pinned both Tech and Boost behind a wall with their barrage of blaster fire,Wrecker blasted one of the super battle droids before he charged at the last two super battle droids chuckling excitedly as he grabbed both super battle droids and slammed them down into the ground breaking them to bits while both Boost and Tech blast the last battle droids. Soon the walls fell down as Wrecker chuckled "that's all you got? bring me more!" Wrecker shouted as the blast door opened as a giant aqua blue/black colored Indominus Rex stomped out as two Mandalorians stunned him.

 Soon the walls fell down as Wrecker chuckled "that's all you got? bring me more!" Wrecker shouted as the blast door opened as a giant aqua blue/black colored Indominus Rex stomped out as two Mandalorians stunned him

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The two Mandalorians left before the dinosaur stood up on its hind legs revealing that it was Levi Masrani,the Indominus Rex,soon Levi went on all fours as he roared at Esther and the clones. "Oh ya!" Wrecker shouted dropping his blaster and charged at Levi laughing as he jumped onto Levi's snout which Levi raised up his snout and tried to shake Wrecker off while Tech and Boost fired at him making the hybrid dinosaur more mad. Esther studied the dinosaur's markes as she recognized the dinosaur,soon Levi knocked Wrecker off as Levi turned to attack him when. "Levi" a voice said making Levi freeze up as no one had said his name expect Juni Masrani for years,Levi turned over to who had said his name seeing Esther standing there. "Levi Masrani" Esther said as she slid her pistol back into it's holster as Levi went down onto all fours to be leveled with Esther as she held out her hand closing her eyes as she heard that whistling again. Levi suddenly felt calm as he pressed his snout against Esther's hand as she opened her eyes to look into Levi's light blue eyes. "Juni Masrani told me about you,how you saved him from the Allosaurus Scar along with the bond you and Juni formed,you don't deserve torture,you are a hero" Esther said as Levi transformed into his human form.

 "Juni Masrani told me about you,how you saved him from the Allosaurus Scar along with the bond you and Juni formed,you don't deserve torture,you are a hero" Esther said as Levi transformed into his human form

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 "Thank you"  Levi said when Esther pulled out her pistol and fired over at where Sir Pentious was which his the Vibro blade that Pre was about to kill Sir Pentious with it. Pre knocked Sir Pentious off the balcony which Levi quickly transformed into his dinosaur form and caught Sir Pentious in his jaws. Soon Pre landed on the ground pulling out the darksaber,he ignited the ancient lightsaber as Tech,Wrecker and Boost fired their blasters at Pre who blocked with the darksaber before he fired a rocket at them sending them away "ha! nothing you all processes can match against the darksaber!" Pre shouted "I beg to differ" Esther said pulling out Sifo Dyas lightsaber,she pressed the red button as a yellow blade ignited from the hilt as she went into Qui Gon stance.     

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