Ch39 A mischievious lady

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I never thought the night to be that hectic, firstly, Evergreen got up in the middle of the night and found Kaya's bed empty. Worried sick, she woke us up, "Kaya left."

Freed grumpily rubbed his eyes, and accompanied the witch to their room. Inspecting her stuff, he found that her bag of flasks disappeared but the rest was left scattered at the bed end.

Bickslow smirked, and turned to me, "Do you smell where she could've left?"

I hummed the air, and followed the perfume she left in the air, we were all astounded when we found out she headed to the depth of the forest. Weirdly, her scent stopped at a point in a tree, growing near a burrow, I could hear, voices and huge shoutings through the tree. It was no ordinary tree.

Bickslow grinned and one of his minion tapped on the tree bark. Eyes revealed through a hole in the tree. "What do you want?" he asked with a threatening tone. Ever stepped before him, removing her glasses to turn him into stone. She kicked the door open. The group passed through a narrow corridor leading to a hidden tavern in the burrow.

"I didn't know such places existed..." remarked Freed with a serious expression. Scanning the place, Laxus frowned when he found the smell of his mage leading to a brunette woman, seducing a man in the corner of the place.

She was wearing a revealing outfit, and chuckled lightly to the man. Laxus froze up when he recognized the man they were searching. "Bickslow? Is it really Kaya there?"

The possession-mage cackled, noticing the woman playing with her prey. "It is."

The enhanced hearing of Laxus allowed him to hear the Kaya's smooth voice expressing 'handsome' to the stranger. Soon after, both left the place, through of a back passage. Laxus grunted all he could, that amused his comrades a lot. Ever was impressed by the skills of Kaya.

The team silently followed the duo outside, Laxus was preparing to knock the man out, especially when he leapt forward to Kaya. However, the mage slyly pulled out of a flask of suspicious liquid making him breath it. All at once, the dragon slayer perceived the dying voice of the man. "What are you... do... ing....?". Then he fell in the dirt.

The lightning mage swore he perceived the satisfied grin of his comrade. "Sleep tight." She bent over the criminal, hand-cuffing him, beaming up at her own work. "All done." she declared with confidence, hands on her hips.

"What was that?" exploded Laxus, making their presence known to their friend.

She froze in place, noticing the presence of her team, Ever and Bickslow laughed, noting the stunned cat being caught mischieving. "Shoot."

"Well she definitely could handle him alone." Ever concluded.

"So you already knew where he was hiding?" was asking Freed as they were carrying the researched criminal to town in the forest. Kaya nodded.

"I had an idea. Most criminals hide in the underground." she informed us, unfazed.

"The underground?" pointed out Ever with curiosity.

"Yes, dark guilds have their own places where they do businesses as well as taverns to entertain themselves." she added, pulling her cape closer, Laxus frowned enough for him to have wrinkles in one hour.

"How come you know all this?" questioned Freed with suspicions. Kaya smiled at that question. "Well, working with Crime sorciere allowed me to enter that world. I'm pretty sure I know all the hidden spot located in Fiore."

The scowl on Laxus' face worsened, hearing those words. She was researched by all of those dark guilds, yet literally hid under their nose. "Come on, we didn't frequent them as much." she reassured him, smiling with all her teeth.

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