Season 4/Chapter 38: Thoughts Of The Future

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Y/n Pov. 

As we make our way through the forest, I can hear the birds over our head and the flowing of water from somewhere down the way. It's faint but still noticeable if you still pay attention. It's strange, I've never really thought much about it until now. I guess I don't really pay attention to things like this most of the time. Looking overhead, I can see the moon as Clem tries to carry me forward and I walk alongside her. Looking at my hands, I can see they're starting to get pale due to the blood loss. 

Clementine: Coast is clear. If the shore is that way, the school is probably that way.

Y/n: (Coughs) I'd imagine so... 

My body feels like it weighs another hundred pounds and I'm light headed, but I press on. I've got no choice. I pray that I'm able to keep on keeping on. I don't know what else there is to do.

Clementine: Stay with me, Hot stuff. You're not dying here. You're coming back home and you're going to sing me a song. 

Y/n: (Chuckles) You got it. 

She looks at me and I can see there's fear in her eyes, but for some reason I don't feel it. I just lean forward a bit as we walk and lay my head against hers. However, I soon hear Tenn speak. 

Tenn: Aasim was the third.

Clementine: Huh? 

Tenn: The day after AJ killed Marlon. You already know Violet and I voted for you guys to stay. Aasim was the third vote.

I think about it for a moment and it definitely seems like that was the case. He did help us out after all. 

AJ: Wait, that means Omar voted us out? And Ruby?

Tenn: Yeah... 

AJ: Hm.

Thinking about it, Ruby wasn't exactly happy with how everything ended. None of them were. But I still have no regrets. That's how I want to live my life, no regrets. That's the only way you can live in my opinion. If I can just make it through today, that'll be enough for me. I think so at least. 

Y/n: Looking back, that makes sense. 

Clem looks at Tenn. 

Clementine: What made you think of that? 

Tenn: Aasim said you  guys knew how to survive. He could just tell the school would be safer with you there. I voted for you because I liked you, but his reason, it was better. I just... I just thought you should know. Aasim was right. We were safer. We were more scared than we let on, when you met us. You made that go away.

I laugh at the thought. 

Y/n: Well a little light can always make the boogie man run in fear. And I'm an... eternal flame. 

Clementine: That's really nice of you to say, Tenn. Thank you.

Tenn: That's okay. Now that we're out of danger and going back home, it just made me think of it.

AJ: I like Aasim.

I look down at AJ and nod. 

Y/n: Me too. He's not as much of an asshole as I once might have thought. 

Tenn: If Marlon was still in charge, we'd be taken away to wherever. Or dead. Instead, we fought back. Because you showed us how. We weren't safe with Marlon. Even in his "safe zone" we were just... hiding.

Suddenly, I hear a noise, and Clem draws her knife as she too hears it. The boys turn and we look by a tree, only for Violet to step out from behind it. We all breathe a sigh of relief. She walks over to us and AJ calls out her name. 

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