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This was not part of the plan.

I am not supposed to be in this rat-infested shit hole.

Firstly, nobody has told me why I'm here. I got swept up out of my home, stripped of my very expensive Italian suit, and thrown into a cell. I have no doubt the longer I stay here the better chance I have of not surviving, so Rocky better get a move on.

Once I'm out here I have a few people on my hit list. Xander and Luella are two of them and the most important one, is Detective James.

But the most important thing I need to do, is see my girl.


Honey is pregnant.

And where am I?

Locked in a cell.

"Motherfucker!" I run a stressful hand through my hair and clench my jaw.

If I'm not back with my girl in the next few hours I'm going to lose my shit. I will fight every fucker in this place to get to her if I have to. Plus, if I have to spend another minute in this disgusting orange jumpsuit I will be sick.

"Ugh," I grumble to myself, pulling the scratchy material away from my skin. "Fucking piece of fucki—" The door to my cell — which I'm alone in by the way — swings open, and I roll my eyes when three hench-looking men, with makeshift knives — made from toothbrushes — storm into my cell looking ready to send me to hell early.

"Right, before we start I'm going to allow you to think about whether you want to do this," I warn, holding my hands up. "Because I've got a lot of anger built up that I'm ready to let loose."

One of the men answers by swinging at me with his shitty little knife that I dodge with ease, and manage to knock out of his hand. I land a punch right in his nose, hearing it crack under my fish and blood starts to pour like a waterfall out of his now broken nose.

And do you know what this huge motherfucker does? He touches his nose, looks at his bloody hand and faints. He faints. We stand there in silence staring at him.

"What a pussy." I mumble.

I take advantage of the other two being distracted and pick up the plastic knife and stab one right in the chest and watch the life fade slowly out of his eyes with a sinister smile on my face. He drops to the ground next to his unconscious friend who I'll make sure to off for certain in a moment. 

"This is for Xander." The third one launches for me and I don't dodge in time and get shoved up against the wall.

"Fuck! Did your mother not teach you to respect your elders?!" I throw my arms up, wincing at the pain shooting down my back.

"You killed my brother!" He points to the dead body, and launches again and this time I successfully move out of the way and watch him knock himself out as he bangs his head against the wall.

I stand in my cell with a confused expression and with three bodies on the ground.

"Amateurs," I mumble, stabbing the other two in the neck.

It probably wasn't the best idea to kill three people while I was in prison. As soon as a guard walks in here, I'll probably be sentenced to death.

My eyes close in on the open door and I don't hesitate to slip through. I keep my head down as I wander the prison, keeping an eye out for anything — or anyone — suspicious. My reputation on the outside will mean I've got a lot of enemies in here.

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