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Saying Stefan was freaking out was an understatement since he found out Aurora was gone. He had called her phone more than a hundred times hoping that eventually she would answer but she didn't. Stefan was scared of what Ada would do when she got home or if she would call Aurora and freak out when she didn't answer. That would only make her call Stefan and he knew better than to lie to her.

Whenever she showed up she would find out anyways there was no reason to make her even more upset. He was upset at Aurora for just leaving but at the same time he didn't blame her he knew he would do the same to go look for someone he loved but now he was worried about her safety and what Ada would do.

"I told my mom and she made some of her deputies look but still no word on her" Caroline said to Stefan. After they had found out the girl was missing he started calling everyone just in case she went to them.

Anything helped at this point he was just desperate to find her but he knew it would be impossible after all the time that passed it was clear she was long gone.

"Haven't heard from her either man none of us have" Tyler added and Stefan just sighed.

"It's clear she's gone and I mean can I blame her?! Ada has been having her locked up ever since they got back she's terrified of her so she found no option but to run away. I just wish she would've told me at least to make sure she's safe" Stefan ranted very worried about Aurora.

"But Aurora is brave; she can be ok by herself" Matt commented.

"In other cases yes but she's no longer a vampire and she barely knows how to work her magic. She's out there trying to find Elijah out of all people, it's dangerous "Aurora no longer being a vampire worried Stefan a lot. He knew the girl could handle herself but that was before.

Now her being none other than a witch that had no idea how her magic worked was making him more worried. He just wished the girl answered him. He wasn't going to be like Ada and try to get her back all he wanted to know was that she was safe.

"What are you going to do now?" Caroline asked, she wasn't sure there was much to do now anymore. It wasn't like they would go after her; that was the thing she wanted least.

"I've done all I could now I'll just have to wait to get yelled at by Ada and she'll handle it probably in the worst way possible..." Stefan replied back.

"I don't understand. I mean Aurora probably knows how to handle herself better than her and it's not like she's a little kid anymore so why does she care so much" Tyler spoke, not understanding why Ada was being so strict about Aurora leaving the house.

"And Ada doesn't understand that to her Aurora is just the little two year old she left behind after she died. Part of me understands that she wants that time back with her daughter but the other part just believes Ada should take a step back" Stefan got up from his seat pacing around. "Aurora isn't dumb which is why I didn't have a problem with her leaving but I am worried about her"

𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦- E. Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now