Chapter 23

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----- Cinderella Boy -----


"Oh no, why does it have to be a Vienna Waltz!"

Lin Yi was confused by Yibo's words.
"What about the Vienna Waltz? Hasn't Zhan danced the waltz with you before?"

"It was a smooth waltz, and even then we almost fell over. Shit, how can this be." Yibo became worried, he was horrified to imagine what would happen on the dance floor later.

After hearing Yibo's confession, Lin Yi panicked too. "Oh, my-my--"

They both saw Zhan and King dancing with feelings of anxiety and horror.


Zhan screamed in his heart as his body spun around quickly. His eyes were dizzy and his head was dizzy.
"Aahhh!!! Stop spinning around!! Ughhh, I'm sick."


From the crowd of guests, there was a pair of eyes staring intently at Zhan. No one noticed his sharp gaze, because all eyes were on the King and Zhan who were dancing.
"He's still alive," he muttered softly.


The dance goes around three to four times. Zhan became increasingly dizzy, the feeling of nausea hit him harder and harder.
"Hang in there Zhan, don't vomit, don't embarrass Wangyi," Zhan thought panicked

The two dance partners rotated regularly and quickly. Each series of six steps represents a complete circle. Zhan successfully passes the first waltz step, which allows him to turn strongly on the second step, the third step is the closing of the legs which must be as precise as possible, in order to completely control the turn.

However, when he took the next step, Zhan was no longer strong. His head was spinning, and finally ....

"Hueeeekkk!" Zhan vomited all the contents of his stomach, and managed to get on the King's clothes.

Because he couldn't bear to see the terrible incident, Lin Yi finally fell unconscious.


"Master!" shouted a waiter who passed in front of him with drinks for the guests in his hand.

Meanwhile, Yibo couldn't tell whether his expression was smiling or whether he wanted to cry.
"Zhanie ...."

Yibo heard gasps from the guests, and looked in horror at the King's face which had turned pale. However, Yibo's attention returned to Zhan who seemed to be staggering. He swiftly walked quickly towards Zhan. Sure enough, Zhan's body swayed, but Yibo managed to catch Zhan's body.

"I got you, baby," Yibo muttered in Zhan's ear. After that he carried Zhan, then pay respects to the king.
"Your Majesty, we're sorry, it seems like my fiancé is sick," said Yibo.

The King still looked shocked because of the embarrassing incident, then he looked at Zhan's pale face in Yibo's arms, and finally he melted. "Take your fiancé to the rest area, Mr. Wang, let the doctor examine her," he ordered.

"Let me take her home, Your Majesty, we--"

"No, no, Miss Zhanie's condition looks worrying, it's better to let her rest here. You don't need to hesitate. You and your fiancé are very welcome here," explained the King.

"But we really don't want to stay here any longer!!" Yibo screamed in his heart. "But, Your Majesty--"

"His Majesty is right, Lord Wang, let your fiancé rest here," a voice interrupted the conversation between the two of them.

Cindrella Boy [灰姑娘男孩] (YiZhan) END ✅Where stories live. Discover now