Baseball Gone Wrong

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The next night, the Cullens, minus Edward, were gathered on a field far away from town getting set up to play so they could be ready when the storm hit. Adeline was off to the side watching as Jasper and Emmet got into a shoving match over the placement of second base. Shaking her head in amusement at their childishness she turned away to see how the rest of the set up was going.

Since she was not a vampire, she did not have the speed or strength needed to play with her family, but that did not stop her from enjoying it any less than the rest of them. She loved watching them all play. She got to see them all let loose and have fun, and it didn't hurt that she got to watch Jasper show off his strength and skill. Which she always found extremely attractive. He looked very hot in his baseball shirt, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, an old pair of worn jeans on that hugged his legs and a baseball cap holding his hair in place so it framed his face. Although is was his carefree and happy smile that always graced his face when they played that really did her in every time. Every time she saw it she was reminded of when they were young and would take off running, racing each other to see who would get to their tree first.

Just as they were finishing setting up and deciding teams and turns, they heard the sound of a vehicle approaching and turned to see Edward pull up in the Jeep and get out with Bella. Rose scoffed, questioning why "the human" was even here if she couldn't play.

"Um Rose, as someone who also can't play, I don't think I can judge" Adeline mentioned, wanting to be fair and give Bella a chance if she was going to be with Edward.

"Oh, but Darlin' you do serve a purpose. Many in fact," Jasper said slinging an arm around her and giving her a kiss on the top of her head with a mischievous smile on his face.

"And just what purpose are you referring to?" She questioned, unsure if she even wanted to hear his answer when he had that smile on his face.

"Why you are my good luck Darlin' and you look absolutely perfect in my jersey" he said with a laugh, only half kidding. He absolutely loved it when she wore anything of his. It was like she was marking herself as his. Not to mention she looked absolutely adorable in his sweaters that were far too big for her.

She rolled her eyes at him, as Rose laughed at their byplay. Enjoying herself, despite the human's presence.

"Bella! Good you're here! We need an umpire!" Esme claimed as she greeted her, bring her arm around her waist and leading her towards home plate.

"She thinks we cheat" Emmet joked coming up behind them.

"No, I know you cheat" Esme declared with a mock glare towards him. "Just call them as you see them Bella" she assured the nervous girl.

"Okay" she said with a nervous laugh, moving to stand by home plate as Edward and Emmet moved to the outfield. Emmet was jumping around and punching air, as if preparing himself for a fight which was making Adeline laugh as Rose stepped up to bat.

At the first crack of thunder and flash of lightning, Alice called out "It's time" from her place on the pitcher's mound. With Rose's nod that she was ready, Alice threw the first pitch and the game began.

Rose hit the ball, a crack like thunder coming from the bat, and took off around the bases. Bella and Esme were chatting quietly, but Adeline wasn't paying attention. Instead, she focused on Jasper and the tricks he was doing with the bat while he waited for his turn. Watching him flip and twirl the bat around, making it look completely effortless, she couldn't help the surge of lust that overtook her. The way his arms moved and his fingers expertly gripped and moved the bat reminder of all the other things he could use them for.

Jasper sensing her growing desire, sent her a crooked smirk and a wink, mouthing the word "later" to her. She blushed and looked away. Focusing back on the game as Emmet shouted and Rose growled and stomped off towards Adeline, hitting Bella in the shoulder as she did.

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