The Hunt Begins

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Upon arriving home, Carlisle sent Alice and Emmet out to catch up with Edward to ensure that they were safe. Jasper meanwhile, pulled Adeline off to the side and held her close, terrified at the thought of losing her. He knew that the rest of his family could handle themselves if needed, but his Adeline could not fight a vampire. Maybe if she had gained the ability to manipulate fire, she might have stood a chance. But that was the one element she did not have and the only one that could really be effective against a vampire.

"Promise me," he pleaded, pulling back just enough to look into her eyes as he cupped her face in his hands. "Promise me that you will stay by my side until this is over. I can't lose you Darlin'."

"I promise Jasper I will stay by your side." She reached up and pulled him down to her, giving him a small kiss on the lips, "you won't lose me" she breathed.

They heard a noise outside causing them to break apart and they turned to see the figure of a man jump up onto their deck. He took a step forward into the light allowing them to see it was Laurent. Immediately they all got in defensive positions, Jasper putting himself between Adeline and Laurent.

Laurent immediately threw his hands up in a gesture of peace. "I have not come to fight you. I only wanted to warn you."

Before he could say more however, they all heard the unmistakable sound of Bella's truck pulling up outside, and within moments, they had entered the house. Upon seeing Laurent, they all got ready to attack.

"Wait" Carlisle intercepted them, "he came to warn us about James."

"This isn't my fight, and I have grown tired of his games, but he's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like it in my 300 years. And the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her." Laurent explained, trying to emphasize just how dangerous the two were, before leaving without another word.

As they all moved to the garage, Jasper spoke up, "I've had to fight our kind before. We're not easy to kill." Adeline walked at his side, taking his hand to offer some comfort at the awful memories this was no doubt stirring up for him.

"But not impossible" Emmet added, excited. "We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces."

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James" Carlisle said with a sigh, while gathering supplies.

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie asked, sitting on the bench instead of helping. Adeline flinched at the thought of a member of her family being hurt or killed, and Rose sent her a look of apology, not meaning to upset her more.

"I'm gonna run Bella south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward asked, shoving things into a bag as he did so.

"No Edward, James knows you would never leave Bella. He'll follow you" Carlisle interjected.

"I'll go with Bella" Alice volunteered.

'Or we could just let James have her' Adeline thought. She didn't really mean it, but she was worried for her family and hated to see any of them at risk. Especially when she felt so completely useless and could do nothing to protect them.

Edward growled at her, hearing her thoughts and took a menacing step in her direction, opening his mouth to say something. Sensing his anger and seeing him take a step towards Adeline, the already strained hold he had that was keeping the Major at bay broke free and he let out a growl of his own. One that was much more menacing than Edwards.

The whole family froze for a moment before backing away from him and Adeline at the sound of it. The Major was dangerous at the best of times. Wholly focused on protecting his mate he did not care who he hurt if they got in his way, and this was hardly the best of times.

Loving The Major - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now