Bella's Awakening

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Three days had passed since their fight with the wolves and today would be the day Bella was going to awaken, if she were to at all. During that time Jasper and Adeline had scarcely left each other's arms, the fear of almost losing the other lingering.

Marcus had also called to check on how Bella was doing and she had told him the whole story; from Bella refusing to see reason and give up her child, to said child breaking her spine as the poor thing died leading to Bella's change. 

He had asked them to pass on his condolences to the poor girl, which she had promised to do once Bella awoke. He had also been kind enough to inform the other kings of Bella's turning and the circumstances behind it for them so they would not have to worry about visiting Volterra for a while. She was immensely grateful for that as she was not sure how much more stress or drama her and her family could take. Everyone else had also been very grateful for this reprieve for much the same reason.

It was mid afternoon as the vampires of the family heard Bella's heart give one last beat then stop. They all turned to face the door, waiting and hoping to hear Edward talking with his newly turned wife. When they did, Jasper gave Adeline a small nod and she let out a breath of relief, moving to the window to see if she could catch a glimpse of them leaving for Bella's first hunt. She caught sight of them just as they disappeared into the trees and let a smile take over her face, it seemed as if the worst was truly behind them now.

Hopefully now that Bella was a vampire their family could rest and mend the strained relationship between them and Edward. That they could reconnect and be a family again. Move to start over somewhere new, leaving all this drama behind them.

They were all gathered and waiting in the living room, ready to welcome Bella into the family as a vampire when they returned. However, her first question quickly left them nervous and unsure on how to answer.

"Where is he? I want to see him" was the first thing to leave Bella's mouth when she returned.

"Who?" Edward questioned.

"Our son. Where is he? I want to hold him." Everyone shifted uncomfortably at that, looking to Edward to break the news to her.

"Bella ... our daughter died. She was stillborn."

"No, he wasn't. He is fine. I gave birth to him, the first ever hybrid." Bella had a smug smile on her face at this, thinking that she truly was special and had done something no one else had.

"No. Bella our child, our little girl, she's dead." Edward said again, this time with finality and they all watched as it sunk in then.

Bella didn't move for a minute in too much shock at the news. This wasn't possible. She was supposed to have her child here. She was supposed to be the only one to ever have successfully given birth to a hybrid. She was going to use the child to prove that she really was meant to always be a vampire. After all how else could the child have lived? Now she was just another woman that failed.

The thoughts running through her head enraged her and she quickly cast away all doubt that this was an accident. Someone had to have killed her child, she knew it, she was special there was no other way. One of the Cullens must have done something.

She turned on them then, "it was one of you wasn't it! One of you killed my baby!"

"No Bella. None of us would do that! Your child was still born, just like all the others it couldn't handle the different genetics and its body gave out." Rosalie said gently trying to explain what happened. 

She did not take Bella's accusations to heart. The girl had after all just lost her child, so it was understandable that she was lashing out as she attempted to make sense of what happened.

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