Chapter 68: Mom & Dad

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"Jas! Come on!" Shane hollered up to his niece. "We can't be late!"

He had called a few weeks ahead to make the appointment, and it was finally here. It was a big day for the three of you. You had never considered becoming a parent, especially before you moved to Stardew Valley. But the thought of adopting Jas felt so right to you, and you knew that feeling was reciprocated with your new family.

Shane had asked you approximately a million times if you were sure you wanted to adopt her. He wanted to make sure that he hadn't pressured you into it and that it was something that you truly wanted. It was, and today was the day it would finally happen.

"I'm ready! I'm ready!" Jas made her way dramatically down the stairs, struggling to not trip over. You instantly saw the culprit of her shoddy balance: a pair of child's sized, bright pink, sparkly high heels.

You quickly rushed over to help her before she could take a tumble down the flight of stairs. You picked her up and carried her to the main level of the house, setting her on the couch as you (lovingly) questioned her bold fashion choice. "You look so beautiful! Where did you get these fancy shoes?" You asked.

"Mrs. Jodi gave them to me as an early birthday present." She beamed, kicking her bedazzled feet in the air. "Look!! They're soooooooooooo pretty!"

"They're pretty, but they're not practical." Shane chimed in, joining the two of you in the living room. "Go change into something you can actually walk in."

"Uncle Shaaaaaane-" She protested, but it was to no avail.

"Now, Jas." He instructed in an authoritative and paternal way. "There's like a million stairs at the Zuzu City courthouse and I don't want you to trip on them. You can wear the pretty shoes when we get home."

She looked up hopefully at him. "Promise?"

"Promise." Your husband agreed. "Now hustle. I'm serious, we needed to leave like five minutes ago."

"Way to lay down the law, Dad." You teased as Jas quickly switched out her sparkly pumps for some 'sensible' purple jelly shoes. You couldn't help but notice the smallest twinge of a smile when you referred to him as Jas' dad.

"Eh, someone's gotta do it." He laughed, grabbing the keys to the truck and opening the front door. "Now let's get going."

You had assumed that the drive to Zuzu City would be tense for you as you mulled over your decisions. However, you felt nothing but peace as the old truck hummed along the scenic stretch of highway. It was comforting to know that if anything happened to Shane, Jas would have someone there to look out for her besides Marnie. And you knew that it had been difficult for Shane to raise her on his own, so you were so excited to get to help him on this journey.

You were stirred from your thoughts as Shane rested a hand on your knee. "You know, nothing's gonna change." Shane was convinced he needed to assure you throughout the day, but you had made up your mind when he first pitched the idea to you. Without a doubt, you wanted to adopt Jas.

Nevertheless, your husband continued. "Everything will be just like normal. This... this just gives me a little piece of mind, you know? Like if something ever happened to me, Jas would be safe and sound with you."

"I know." You said for the millionth time to him. "I want this. Trust me." You smiled. "As long as Jas wants me to adopt her, I'm doing it."

"Yes!" Jas cheered from the backseat. "I want you to adopt me!"

It warmed your heart to know that Jas wanted this too. Shane had brought the idea up to her shortly after you got married, and the two of you had talked to her extensively to make sure that she understood and wanted it. She was thrilled by the idea (so was Marnie) and Shane had made an appointment at the Zuzu City courthouse. You each had sent in fingerprints and all sorts of information to Zuzu City in the days prior, and it was finally time to officially adopt Jas. This was happening, and surprising both you and Shane, you were more than ready.

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