Chapter 15: From Candy Hearts To Crushing Darkness

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As Valentine's Day unfolded in Siril, amidst the chaos, Alex woke up feeling a bit heavy and noticed Elton's absence. Wondering where his friend might be, he decided to step out and explore the town on this day off.

Upon venturing outside, Alex was greeted with a flurry of Valentine's Day decorations adorning the guild. He observed the joyful reunions of the rescue teams with their significant others, pondering the significance of this holiday and the emotions it evoked.

Feeling somewhat detached from the romantic atmosphere, Alex continued his stroll until Elton approached him, accompanied by Muffy. Alex, surprised, commented on Elton bringing his girlfriend along, prompting a puzzled reaction from Elton and a blush from Muffy as they continued by looking at each other.

As Elton and Muffy delved into their romantic moment, Alex couldn't help but feel like a third wheel. Sensing his discomfort, he quietly excused himself and left the guild, allowing the couple to enjoy their time together.

Just as Alex was about to step out, Farfetch'd's loud yell echoed through the guild, demanding him to wait. Surprised, Alex turned back to see Farfetch'd approaching with a bundle of Valentine's Day gifts.

With all eyes now on him, Alex waited as Farfetch'd was approaching with a bundle of Valentine's Day gifts. There was a large bouquet of flowers, a heart-shaped box of chocolates, an exotic perfume, and a letter tied with a ribbon.

Amidst his initial confusion, Alex couldn't help but marvel at the thoughtful gesture. He chuckled to himself, thinking that Farfetch'd had gained an admirer and wanted to brag. However, as Farfetch'd handed over the gifts to Alex, he explained that they were from Andrea.

Feeling weirded out and embarrassed, Alex accepted the gifts with a forced smile. He thanked Farfetch'd, trying to mask his discomfort as everyone in the guild observed the exchange with curiosity and amusement.

Despite appreciating the gesture, Alex couldn't help but feel out of place receiving such romantic gifts in front of everyone. He tried to make an excuse to leave, hoping to escape the spotlight and sort out his feelings in private. However, Elton stopped Alex in his tracks as he chanted to read the letter to which, everyone soon joined and now, Alex had to read the letter.

"On Valentine's Day, my heart's gentle plea,
Yet in your eyes, uncertainty I see.
Still, in the depths of my love, I find solace true,
Hoping one day, you'll feel it too.
With whispered words and gestures soft and kind,
I'll show you the love that fills my mind.
Though patience may be needed, I'll wait by your side,
For love like ours is meant to confide.

-Andrea." Alex read as he scratched his head.

As Alex read the poem from Andrea, he couldn't help but feel confused by its heartfelt expression of love. The words conveyed Andrea's deep affection and her determination to win Alex's heart, despite knowing his feelings didn't match hers. Alex scratched his head in bewilderment, still not fully grasping the poem's intent.

Meanwhile, the female Pokémon in the guild swooned over the emotional depth of the poem, marveling at Andrea's unwavering devotion. Elton, noticing Alex's perplexed expression, jokingly nudged him and told him to stop being dense about Andrea's feelings.

Just then, someone from the group chimed in, mentioning Xatu's prediction that Alex and Andrea would eventually get married. He assured everyone that it was only a matter of time until he stopped being clueless and realized the depth of Andrea's love.

Feeling overwhelmed by the situation and wanting to clear his mind, Alex handed the gifts to Elton, intending to confront the Heracross who made the bold claim. However, as he tried to speak, an unusual heaviness washed over him, causing him to collapse to the floor.

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