Chapter 48: To Unite or Fall

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As the President of Siril and General Gallade filled Alex in on their experiences, Alex listened intently, absorbing every detail. He couldn't help but wonder why Cresselia wanted to see him amidst the chaos that had engulfed the Multiverse.

"As you can see, Alex, due to Darkrai's evil plan coming to fruition, everything that isn't a living being is useless," President Togekiss explained with a heavy heart. "No winds to cool us, no technology to rely on, no items for basic needs-everything has ground to a halt."

General Gallade chimed in, his expression grave. "Indeed. Cresselia has been instrumental in healing the protectors of Siril and traversing the region multiple times to aid where she can. But despite her and our protector's efforts, chaos reigns."

Alex nodded solemnly, his mind racing with concern for the state of the world and Multiverse. "I feared that would be the result," he admitted, his voice tinged with sadness. "Everywhere I go, everyone acts like barbarians. The absence of Time has brought order to go haywire and has unleashed the worst in everyone."

As Reshiram and Zekrom spoke, their words carried both weight and determination.

"Seeing the citizens that Zekrom and I have grown to love and protect in despair, tainted by darkness, made me realize that we have to take action," Reshiram chimed in, its tone delicate yet powerful. "I feel inadequate for not being able to do more."

Zekrom's voice resonated with authority and resolve as it continued, "Yes, this disaster has to end! Darkrai may have overpowered us in the past, but I refuse to stand idly by while my region suffers. Even if it means facing Darkrai again, we must do whatever it takes to restore peace and order."

Their unwavering commitment to their region and its inhabitants resonated deeply with Alex, filling him with a renewed sense of purpose.

Alex expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the protectors for their unwavering commitment, assuring them that despite not being a native Sirilean, he was fully dedicated to restoring peace to the region.

To his surprise, the President and General debunked his notion, affirming that Alex was as much a part of Siril as any of them, with his actions and dedication proving his allegiance.

Chuckling at the revelation, Alex listened intently as Cresselia delved into the origins of Darkrai and its nefarious plans, shedding light on the intricate web of deceit and destruction it had woven. As Cresselia recounted her experiences, she also praised Team Awesome, acknowledging their reputation for valor and heroism.

Filled with determination, Alex vowed to stand alongside Cresselia and the protectors, ready to confront Darkrai and bring an end to its reign of terror once and for all.

As Alex approached Elton with a somber expression, he extended an apple from his bag as an offering, hoping to mend their fractured friendship.

"Are you... still mad at me, Elton?" Alex's voice quivered with worry and anxiety. "Come on. I don't know how much it has been since we last saw each other, since Time doesn't exist, but I'm willing to apologize if that's what you want."

Elton remained impassive, crossing his arms and turning his back to Alex, his gaze fixed on the frozen sky above. The tension thickened, leaving everyone wondering about the nature of their rift.

Cresselia broke the silence, gently probing Elton about his demeanor, prompting others to follow suit. With a heavy sigh, Alex mustered the courage to disclose the source of their conflict.

"We had a very heated argument," Alex confessed, his voice tinged with sadness. "He said some hurtful things, and I... I did the same." He lowered his gaze, his heart heavy with remorse.

Gasps echoed through the group as Alex bravely continued his narrative, feeling the weight of his actions heavy upon him. Unable to bear the inaction any longer, he left the guild in search of the Lake Trio, but his efforts yielded no results thus far.

Turning to Elton with a plea in his eyes, Alex implored him for information about the guild's fate. Were they safe? Were they still alive?

Elton's silence pierced the air once more, leaving Alex feeling helpless. Cresselia intervened, revealing the grim truth: the Altaria Guild had succumbed to darkness. Some members had perished, while others suffered severe injuries before perishing. The survivors, including Elton and the strongest teams, managed to escape the onslaught barely, thanks to Cresselia's timely intervention.

As dread washed over him, Alex realized the extent of the devastation. The once-proud Altaria Guild had fallen, and he felt a profound sense of sorrow and guilt settle within him.

Cresselia nodded solemnly, affirming that after escorting the survivors to a safe location established by the leaders and protectors of Siril, she had embarked on the quest to locate Alex, accompanied by Elton. Their mission was to aid Alex in his quest to find and free the Lake Trio, restoring order to the chaos that had befallen the Multiverse.

As General Gallade prepared to depart with Reshiram, Alex's worry intensified. He rushed to the general, desperation evident in his voice.

"Wait! Don't leave just yet!" Alex called out, halting the general in his tracks. "Please, can you tell me if Andrea and her parents are safe? I don't know if I can bear it if they're not."

Anxiety and fear gripped Alex as he awaited the general's response, hoping for positive news about his loved ones.

The General exchanged a glance with the President, who was already mounted on Zekrom, before offering Alex a reassuring pat.

"Don't worry. She and her family are safe," General Gallade said, his tone comforting. "They're in a highly secure bunker stocked with enough provisions to last for decades. It seems the rumors about her importance to you are true."

Relief washed over Alex as he expressed his gratitude to the General, emphasizing Andrea's significance to him. He then requested a message be relayed to her if the opportunity arose, to which the General agreed.

"Tell her that... I'm sorry for not being there for her during these trying moments," Alex spoke from the depths of his heart. "I wish I could hold her close, shielding her from the darkness. I long to feel our souls intertwine, to care for her. Please, stay safe, and know that I'm sorry. And please, don't forget me, my Andrea."

The sincerity of Alex's words left everyone present stunned, including Elton, as they listened to the depth of his emotions pouring out.

With a reassuring nod, the General assured Alex that he would convey his message to Andrea if they crossed paths. As he mounted Reshiram, preparing to depart, he spoke words of encouragement.

"We wish we could assist you, but our duty lies in protecting our nation and restoring order. We'll join you once we've stabilized the situation," President Togekiss declared, bidding farewell to Alex and company.

In a blaze of fire and a crackle of lightning, they departed, leaving Alex to continue his mission with renewed determination. Now with Cresselia and Elton.

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