Chapter 45: Sacrifice of a True Friend

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Kevin's curses continued to spill out in frustration, never expecting to confront Ultra Necrozma again.

Meanwhile, Alex's gaze was fixed on the towering dragon, stunned by the overwhelming power emanating from Ultra Necrozma.

The colossal dragon turned its fierce gaze toward Kevin, a sense of defiance in its eyes as it began to mock both Kevin and Alex with its booming voice.

"The Dark Pixies were right to bide their time until you led them to the Savior," Ultra Necrozma declared, its words resonating with ominous weight. The dragon's presence alone was enough to instill a deep sense of dread in both Kevin and Alex, signaling a formidable challenge ahead.

Kevin's outburst echoed through the tense atmosphere, filled with frustration and anger at being watched and manipulated.

As Ultra Necrozma taunted Alex, Kevin interjected, fiercely defending Alex and emphasizing that there was still hope as long as they had the last instrument and the Savior on their side.

However, Ultra Necrozma was unyielding, unleashing a powerful Power Gem that struck Kevin with devastating force, sending him crashing to the ground. The impact left Kevin critically injured, coughing up blood as his condition grew dire.

Alex's fear turned into determination as he realized the gravity of the situation. He knew that time was running out, and they needed to act fast to stand a chance against the formidable Ultra Necrozma.

Alex felt a surge of desperation as Kevin refused to undergo Terastalization, citing his weakened state and the ineffectiveness of his transformed form in a battle against Ultra Necrozma.

"No, Alex. That form won't change a thing," Kevin weakly replied, struggling to get up from the ground. "Ultra Necrozma is on a whole different level of power. It's more dangerous than most legendaries combined. That form was good for helping me escape that bitch."

Alex's mind raced, searching for any possible strategy or solution. "There has to be a way," Alex muttered, his voice filled with determination despite the overwhelming odds they faced.

Ultra Necrozma's laughter echoed through the space as it taunted them about its impending victory over the Chosen One and the Savior, relishing the thought of finally being free from the Dark Pixies' orders.

Frustrated, Kevin grunted in pain but managed to hold onto Alex, preventing him from falling due to his injuries. "Damn it! I hate that guy!" Kevin muttered, his voice filled with disdain towards Ultra Necrozma. "But one thing does seem off... why is Ultra Necrozma so dim?"

As Kevin spoke, Ultra Necrozma's expression changed from amusement to anger, its massive form trembling with rage. "Argh! That's because of this 'incident'!" Ultra Necrozma roared, its voice resonating with fury. "Since Time doesn't exist, my light ceases to exist the moment it leaves my body and reaches a certain distance! I hate this!" The legendary Pokémon's frustration was palpable as it grappled with the limitations imposed by the frozen Time.

Alex, despite his fear, tried to maintain his composure as he thought of something and began by executing it. "Yeah, I agree," Alex said, his voice slightly trembling. "This incident sucks, and no matter what, this is how it will be forever. Shame because no one will witness your light."

Ultra Necrozma, intrigued yet suspicious, focused its attention on Alex, trying to understand the meaning behind his words.

"But luckily," Alex continued, trying to steer the conversation, "I know the one responsible for this. And you can have a word with-"

Before Alex could finish, Ultra Necrozma interrupted with a roar of anger. "You! I know what you're doing! And I'm not dumb!" The legendary Pokémon's voice boomed through the space. "Trying to lure me after Darkrai so that loser 1 and loser 2 can screw me over!"

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