Chapter 32: Regaining Control...?

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On one of the bustling ports of Siril, General Gallade and President Togekiss were engrossed in bidding farewell to the regions that had lent their armies to help combat the Cult of Darkness.

General Gallade, exuding a valiant presence, was expressing his heartfelt gratitude to his Ethian counterpart, General Aggron, for volunteering his forces. President Togekiss joined in, awarding General Aggron a prestigious medal along with impressive funds, acknowledging the significant contribution made by the Ethian army.

The ceremonies continued as President Togekiss and General Gallade extended their appreciation to other foreign armies that had come to aid Siril, including the soldiers of Lant, with honors and tokens of gratitude exchanged amidst the busy port activities.

The reason behind this ceremony was the recent significant decrease in the threat posed by the Cult of Darkness. Over the past few weeks, their danger level had plummeted, allowing the Sirilean army to manage them with relative ease and minimal resistance.

Notably, there hadn't been any new recruits joining the ranks of this malevolent cult, easing the pressure on Siril's defense forces. However, the initial shock came when the cult multiplied rapidly, spreading like wildfire across towns and cities, primarily comprised of Sirileans themselves. 

Due to ethical concerns and a desire to minimize collateral damage, Siril had refrained from resorting to high-caliber weapons and instead focused on traditional methods to combat the cult. Meanwhile, scientists were diligently working on finding a cure for the brainwashed members who remained devoted to the cause even while incarcerated.

General Aggron of Ethos stood on the tarmac, exchanging final words with General Gallade. The atmosphere was a mix of camaraderie and determination as they discussed the recent developments in dealing with the Cult of Darkness. General Aggron expressed his concern about Siril's well-being, to which General Gallade responded with a hearty laugh.

"Don't worry, my friend. Siril is resilient, and we've got everything under control," General Gallade reassured him, patting General Aggron on the back.

General Aggron nodded, his expression softening with gratitude. "Thank you for your hospitality and collaboration. We allies should stand by us in these challenging times," he replied sincerely.

Before parting ways, General Gallade made a lighthearted remark, "Say hello to Zygarde for me when you return. I've heard impressive tales of Ethos's guardian."

A smile crossed General Aggron's face as he boarded the waiting aircraft, his Ethian soldiers following suit. As the plane taxied for takeoff, General Aggron glanced out the window and caught sight of a poster featuring Team Awesome—a reminder of the interconnectedness of their efforts against common threats.

Lost in thought, he reflected on the prophecy delivered by Xatu, envisioning a future where he would rise as a respected leader for Ethos. However, amidst these hopeful musings, a troubling notion crept into his mind—a seed of doubt regarding the detail that came with the prophecy, his eventual hatred towards Alex.

Suppressing these negative thoughts, General Aggron mentally reaffirmed his trust in Alex's character and the protective power of Zygarde. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes momentarily, focusing on the strength and resilience of Ethos and the unwavering support from allies like Siril.

As the aircrafts flew, carrying the foreign soldiers back to their respective lands, a somber atmosphere hung over President Togekiss and General Gallade. The weight of the recent events in Siril was heavy on their minds.

President Togekiss sighed deeply, his expression reflecting the sadness he felt for the Sirileans plagued by never-ending nightmares. "What will we do about our citizens? We've lost so many already, and the rest... they don't have much time left."

General Gallade, usually composed, remained silent. The situation had left even him at a loss, unable to provide a solution. The Sirilean scientists were tirelessly working, but their efforts seemed futile against this unknown affliction.

"In the midst of all this, it's surprising that Ariel hasn't made a move against us," General Gallade remarked, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

President Togekiss nodded, his expression hardening. "We can't afford to let our guard down, especially with Assiel as our perennial threat. We have contingency plans in place if they decide to act foolishly."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a Kingambit rushing to them, carrying the white and black stones that housed Reshiram and Zekrom. The sight of the stones emanating ominous dark energy sent a chill down their spines.

"Who could have done this?" President Togekiss exclaimed, his voice tinged with concern and disbelief.

General Gallade's mind raced with possibilities, but no clear answer presented itself. The discovery of the corrupted legendary stones added another layer of complexity to an already dire situation.

"We need to investigate this immediately," General Gallade urged, his sense of duty propelling him into action.

President Togekiss nodded grimly. "Notify our best operatives and gather intelligence. We must uncover the source of this dark energy before it's too late."

With resolve in their hearts, President Togekiss and General Gallade prepared to confront this new threat, knowing that the safety of their regions and the legendary Pokémon they held dear depended on their swift and decisive actions.

Just as President Togekiss and General Gallade were about to take action regarding the corrupted legendary stones, a sudden portal materialized before them, startling everyone present. Out of the shimmering gateway emerged a figure of ethereal grace and beauty, captivating all who beheld her.

The entity moved with the elegance of a ballerina, her presence commanding attention and respect. As the onlookers watched in awe, the entity spoke with authority and purpose, addressing the concerns that weighed heavily on their hearts.

"I have finally found the one responsible for this turmoil," the majestic being declared, her voice carrying a soothing yet powerful tone. "I know who is behind the affliction tormenting your land, and you require my assistance to heal those poor creatures trapped in never-ending nightmares."

With those words, the entity revealed herself to be none other than Cresselia, the legendary Pokémon known for her ability to bring peaceful dreams and ward off nightmares. Her sudden appearance brought a glimmer of hope to the troubled leaders, as they realized that help had arrived from an unexpected source.

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