Chapter 43: From Enemies to Allies

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As Alex stood back, his stance defensive yet prepared for a fight, he braced himself for what might unfold. His words rang out, a declaration that he didn't seek conflict but was ready to defend himself if necessary. This resolve stemmed from the knowledge that his chances were slim against the powerful shiny Absol, as their previous encounter had been a brief and one-sided skirmish.

To his surprise, the shiny Absol showed no interest in engaging with Alex. Instead, he simply grunted, drawing Alex's attention to his grave injuries upon closer inspection.

As Alex cautiously observed the shiny Absol, he noticed the creature's labored breathing and the deep gashes marring his fur. The wounds were fresh, oozing with dark crimson blood that stained the ground beneath it.

Despite the Absol's formidable appearance, he seemed weakened and in pain. Alex's defensive posture softened slightly as empathy washed over him, replacing his initial readiness for battle with concern.

"What happened to you?" Alex asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. "Who did this to you?"

The shiny Absol, though clearly suffering, remained silent, his gaze fixed on the distant frozen horizon with a mix of determination and exhaustion. Alex couldn't help but feel sadness at the sight of someone brought low by injuries, no matter if he was a criminal or not.

As Alex approached cautiously, ready to offer assistance if needed, the shiny Absol turned his head slightly, acknowledging Alex's presence with a faint nod before returning his focus to the horizon.

"Well, you win after all. You got me. I can't defend myself. Hooray for everyone, the so-called criminal is defeated(!) Well, what are you waiting for?" Kevin in defeat, sadly stated as he closed his eyes.

Alex approached Kevin cautiously, noting the defeated tone in his voice and the resignation in his posture. Despite Kevin's expectation of harsh treatment, Alex decided to take a different approach. 

"You don't have to close your eyes, shiny Absol," Alex said softly, surprising Kevin with his gentle tone. "I'm not here to hurt you."

Kevin's eyes flickered open, a mix of surprise and wariness in his gaze. "You're not?"

Alex shook his head. "No, I'm not. I know things haven't been easy for you and everyone, but maybe there's a chance for a fresh start."

Kevin's expression softened slightly, his guard lowering as he looked at Alex with a hint of curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, maybe we can find a way to make amends," Alex suggested, grabbing his bag. "Starting with sharing what little I have left."

Kevin's eyes widened in surprise as Alex reached into his bag and pulled out his remaining food, placing it within Kevin's reach. The act of kindness caught Kevin off guard, thawing a bit of the icy barrier he had put up.

Kevin looked at the food that Alex had placed near him, a mix of surprise and gratitude crossing his features. He glanced between the food and Alex, his expression reflecting uncertainty and a hint of disbelief.

Alex, trying to lighten the mood, joked, "You know, Absol, that food is for eating. Eating is this process in which you pass things down to your belly via mouth, preferably things that are edible."

Kevin chuckled softly, a rare moment of levity amidst the tension. "I'm built to go on without food," he remarked, "but I appreciate the gesture. And when there's food available, I do enjoy eating."

With a cautious but appreciative smile, Kevin slowly began to eat the frozen-in-time food, savoring the sustenance and the unexpected kindness extended to him by Alex.

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