Chapter 16: A Fridge Too Far part 1: Altaria's Reckoning

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A month flew by, and Alex and Elton were engrossed in conversation with Team Fuse—Spinda, Dunsparce, and Chimecho. Despite their respectable ranking, Team Fuse dropped a bombshell, labeling them as "noobs" because they hadn't completed the Altaria guild's initiation test.

Elton, never one to back down, demanded, "What's this initiation test you speak of? We've handled tough missions!"

Chimecho, with a sly grin, replied, "Oh, it's nothing much, just a small test to separate the rookies from the real heroes."

Dunsparce chimed in mockingly, "Yeah, but it's clear you two haven't faced it yet."

Intrigued and slightly offended, Alex and Elton pressed for details about the mysterious test. Spinda, hiding a smirk, nonchalantly said, "Well, it's a surprise! You'll find out."

Alex, trying to save face, mumbled about their reputation among other teams. But Chimecho, paying no heed, turned to Elton and said, "You'll see soon enough. It's not that hard, really."

Determined to prove themselves, Elton declared, "Fine! We accept your challenge! Whatever it is, we'll crush it!"

Little did they know, Team Fuse hadn't mentioned the specifics of the initiation test on purpose, enjoying the suspense. As Alex and Elton prepared for what they thought would be a simple challenge, they had no idea that they were about to embark on a peculiar mission to which fridge connoisseurs can best describe this mission.

As Alex listened to Team Fuse's vague description of the initiation test, he couldn't help but facepalm himself. He had a sinking feeling about what they might be getting into, but Elton, being his usual enthusiastic self, managed to convince him with his infectious energy.

Spinda, in typical chaotic fashion, shouted excitedly while spinning around, "Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!"

Dunsparce, more composed but still mischievous, instructed them to meet at the main hall precisely at 3:35 am, adding an element of mystery to the already perplexing situation.

Alex and Elton exchanged looks of confusion, uttering a perfectly synchronized "Huh?" before they could even question why the test was scheduled so late at night. However, before they could voice their concerns, Team Fuse vanished into the shadows, leaving them to ponder what was to come.


As the appointed hour approached, Alex and Elton found themselves waiting patiently in the eerie silence of the main hall. Time ticked by slowly, and Team Fuse was nowhere in sight.

Elton, known for his impatience, started to pace back and forth, muttering about the delay and demanding to know what was taking so long for the "mystery test" to begin.

Just when Elton's stomping reached a fever pitch of impatience, Team Fuse reappeared out of nowhere. Chimecho, with a cheerful tone, asked if they were ready to prove themselves and finally shed the "noob" label.

Alex and Elton, a mix of nerves and determination, nodded eagerly, bracing themselves for whatever absurd challenge Team Fuse had concocted.

After Team Fuse finally revealed the test, Alex couldn't help but cross his paws in disbelief, letting out a dramatic sigh. Elton, equally baffled, stared at the ceiling, wondering how a rescue team initiation could involve something absurd.

The challenge, as preposterous as it sounded, was to raid Farfetch'd's fridge and devour his coveted perfect cherries—a task that left both Alex and Elton unimpressed and unmotivated.

Just as they were about to voice their refusal and exit the ridiculous scenario, Spinda, ever the instigator, called them out, labeling them as "losers" for not accepting such a seemingly easy task. Fueled by a newfound determination to prove Team Fuse wrong, Alex and Elton reluctantly agreed to participate.

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