Chapter 31: Unexpected Bonds

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Alex, trying to come up with an excuse, blurted out, "Sorry, Andrea, I can't make it to the party. My Magikarp friend is having a birthday, and I promised to throw him a seaweed party!"

Andrea burst into laughter, finding Alex's excuse too ridiculous to be true. She hugged Alex tightly, saying, "Oh, Alex, you always crack me up with your creative excuses!"

Elton chimed in, teasing Alex, "Come on, Alex, you can't bail on her because of a seaweed party for a Magikarp to which you don’t have any Magikarp friends!"

Before Alex could come up with another excuse, Andrea's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vexus, appeared. Mr. Vexus, the male Meowscarada, grinned and said, "Ah, Alex! I remember you! Andrea talks about you non-stop."

Mrs. Vexus then announced cheerfully, "We're leaving now, and Alex is coming with us!"

Alex felt a wave of discomfort as he was practically dragged along by Andrea's enthusiastic family, all while Andrea remained head over heels in love with him, completely oblivious to his awkwardness.


As the private jet landed near the impressive mansion located in the heart of Sylastral City, Mr. Vexus turned to Alex with a serious tone and said, "The reason we brought you with us for the week, Alex, is because our daughter absolutely insisted on having you at her upcoming birthday party on Friday."

Alex mentally sighed in annoyance, realizing he had signed up for a whole week of Andrea's company, not just the party.

Entering the mansion, Alex's eyes widened at the sight of countless Pokémon bustling around, each assigned to different roles as maids, chefs, accountants, and bodyguards for the Vexus family.

"That's a lot of staff," Alex muttered under his breath.

Mrs. Vexus overheard and cheerfully replied, "Oh, it sure is, Alex! But don't worry, you'll get used to it in no time!"

Alex's expression turned to one of confusion as he wondered exactly what he was getting himself into for the next week.

As they stepped into the futuristic mansion, Alex's stomach let out a loud and embarrassing growl, a testament to the fact that they had whisked him away before he could even grab a bite of breakfast.

Andrea, ever attentive, gently took hold of Alex's paw and immediately instructed one of the maids to convey the message to the chefs: "Tell them to whip up breakfast and a special meal for Alex, please."

Alex, feeling a bit flustered by the attention, tried to downplay it, muttering, "Oh, it's no big deal, really."

But Andrea, completely lovestruck and not taking no for an answer, insisted otherwise with a dreamy look in her eyes that only made Alex feel more awkward.

"As you wish, Miss Vexus," the maid replied with a knowing smile before scurrying off to the kitchen, where the chefs would undoubtedly be whipping up something extravagant for Alex's impromptu breakfast.

As the family and Alex entered the grand kitchen, equivalent in size to a large house, for breakfast, Andrea predictably chose a seat right next to Alex, her adoration practically palpable.

As the chefs served their morning meal, one of them, an Aromatisse with a delightful French accent, presented two extra plates adorned with a delectable dish made with perfect cherries.

"Mon cher Monsieur, to accompany zee breakfast, deux extra plates made with perfect cherries, as Mademoiselle Andrea said zat you love zat fruit," the Aromatisse chef announced with a flourish.

Alex's eyes widened in pleasant surprise at the sight of the perfect cherries, his absolute favorite. He couldn't help but wonder how Andrea knew about his love for them.

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