Chapter 38: Collision of entangled emotions

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Wherever Bai Sijin went, he could take care of everything meticulously.

He asked the villagers for help in repairing the thatched house, created a courtyard nearby, cultivated the land, and planted fresh fruits and vegetables.

As soon as Xu Xuancao entered the house, she saw the fire in the stove rising, warm as spring, dispelling the cold brought in from outside.

Bai Sijin’s face was lit by the orange firelight, and he turned his head and smiled at her. “You’re back.”

At that moment, Xu Xuancao truly felt like she was coming home.

She threw herself into his arms. “Husband.”

Bai Sijin opened his long sleeves and embraced her into his broad chest.

Xu Xuancao rested her head on his lap and whispered, “I’m sorry, my master keeps a tight watch, so I can only come over at night.”

Bai Sijin smoothed her slightly messy hair. “As long as you can come, I’ll be satisfied.”

Xu Xuancao sighed. “I’m not a child anymore. My master doesn’t need to be so strict with me. Comparatively, my martial uncle is more approachable. But as a junior, I still have to listen to my master.”

Bai Sijin asked, “Even if your master is wrong, would you still listen to him?”

“I obey my master because of his nurturing kindness towards me. I treat him like a father. But if he says something wrong, I won’t listen to him.”

Bai Sijin nodded and smiled. His young wife had a clear understanding in her heart.

“Husband.” Xu Xuancao climbed on his body, her soft limbs entwining, and she took the initiative to kiss his sharp lips, playfully pecking at them over and over again, saying, “I really like you, I really like you, husband…”

Bai Sijin returned her kiss with a smile.


The originally dilapidated and old door of the house suffered a violent impact from the outside, shattering on the ground.

In an instant, a fierce and icy wind blew like a knife.

Outside the house, the person in the white daoist robe with white hair swayed in the wind, his face hidden in the darkness. Tension radiated from his body, exuding a strong sense of hostility.

Xu Xuancao recognized who it was and suddenly stood up, instinctively blocking Bai Sijin. “Master.”

“Who is he?” Yun Yu’s voice was heavy.

Xu Xuancao hesitated. “He, he is my husband.”

Yun Yu raised his voice. “Since when did you become married?”

His voice struck Xu Xuancao’s heart, and the realization that she had hidden her marriage from her master without permission made her feel guilty. She acknowledged her wrongdoing. “I was wrong. I shouldn’t have concealed this…”

Bai Sijin calmly said, “Xuancao and I have just gotten married and we didn’t invite Master for a wedding celebration. It was our disrespect first, and we apologize to Master.”

Upon hearing the word “marriage,” a surge of blood rushed to Yun Yu’s chest.

As a practitioner of the heartless path, Yun Yu had kept a clear mind and few desires for hundreds of years, almost untouched by any emotions.

But now, as Yun Yu peered through the crack in the door and saw the two entangled in a kiss, he suppressed the surging blood in his throat and waved his hand, shattering the door.

How could his once obedient disciple defy his orders and marry someone without permission, even going so far as to regard him as a father figure?

Each word cut into his heart like a blade.

He wanted to see clearly what kind of appearance this lover had that could bewitch his resolute disciple.

Yun Yu strode forward, approaching Bai Sijin.

Xu Xuancao, worried that Bai Sijin would be harmed, hastily blocked Yun Yu. “Master, my husband is just a mortal…”

“Are you afraid I will harm him?” Yun Yu’s expression remained unchanged, making it difficult to discern his emotions. If Xu Xuancao didn’t know him well, she would have thought he was simply taking a glance.

Yun Yu was not only a teacher of high integrity and noble character, but also a man who sought vengeance for every grievance.

“Step aside!” With a palm strike, Yun Yu pushed Xu Xuancao away and fixed his gaze on Bai Sijin.

Crack! Sparks exploded from the charcoal, splattering fiery light that illuminated the flawless and handsome face of the man in white.

Yun Yu widened his eyes and stammered, “It’s you… the serpent demon?”

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