Chapter 53: The child hatches from the egg

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Xu Xuancao’s mouth hung open, feeling dizzy all over. “This is our child?”

Bai Sijin lifted the bundle of grass holding the snake egg and handed it to her. “Our flesh and blood.”

Xu Xuancao hesitated for a moment, stiffly accepting the grass bundle and cradling it carefully in her arms. She was afraid that a careless move would break it.

To think that it was her child, but why was it an egg?

She gently poked the snake egg with her finger, feeling its soft shell and the amniotic fluid inside, nurturing her flesh and blood.

“My child…” she murmured, dazed for a while, then asked, “How long does it take to hatch?”

“It depends on the egg itself, whenever it’s ready to come out,” Bai Sijin replied, concerned about her weakness. He took the grass bundle from her hands.

She stared fixedly at the egg, finding it hard to believe that she had given birth to it. It felt unreal.

He touched her head gently. “I will take good care of it.”

She blinked and nodded.

How does one take care of an egg? It doesn’t need to be fed or put to sleep.

Fortunately, Bai Sijin took the initiative to handle this task; otherwise, she would have been worried about accidentally breaking the egg.

Xu Xuancao took a stroll outside and returned to find Bai Sijin transformed into a half-human, half-snake figure, his long white snake tail wrapped around the egg in a protective posture.

“I brought a bedding. Do we need it?” Xu Xuancao approached cautiously, examining the egg to see if it had grown or changed in shape.

He smiled and said, “Hmm, let’s cover it.”

Xu Xuancao gently covered the egg with the bedding.

Bai Sijin embraced her with one arm while using his snake tail to gently rub the egg. He appeared to be filled with the joy of being a father, and his beautiful eyes and brows were always adorned with a faint smile.

Unable to resist, Xu Xuancao lifted a corner of the bedding to take a peek at the egg.

Wow, my baby is so white and soft.

She whispered, “Will it be a snake when it’s born?”

He replied, “Once it has magical powers, it will transform into a human.”

Xu Xuancao caressed the soft shell of the egg. “I can’t wait to hold it and kiss it when the child is born.”

Bai Sijin curved his lips and asked, “And what about the child’s father?”

Xu Xuancao cast a sidelong glance at him, leaning in closer, and lightly pressed her red lips against his cheek.

“This is your reward for taking care of our baby, the child’s father.”

“Not enough.” He leaned down, his thin lips landing on her forehead, the tip of her nose, and the corner of her lips.

The two of them exchanged comfortable kisses, nestled against each other.

Xu Xuancao leaned against his chest, realizing clearly that she had become a mother and that the man beside her was the child’s father.

Now that they had a baby, there was no need for any more disturbances. They should peacefully raise the child and help them grow.

With this disturbance, Xu Xuancao’s cultivation suffered great damage and needed a long period of rest to recover.

However, she didn’t care about it anymore. She wholeheartedly focused on taking care of the snake egg with Bai Sijin and eagerly anticipated the birth of their baby.

As part of her daily routine, she would definitely talk to the egg and call for the baby to come out, saying, “Mommy wants to see you soon.”

After more than ten consecutive days, the snake egg finally hatched.

A small white snake, as thick as a thumb, slipped out smoothly from the shell.

In its efforts to break through the thick shell, the little one became exhausted and collapsed on the soft bedding, resembling a flawless white jade hook.

Xu Xuancao’s heart raced as she gently touched the scales of her child with her fingertips, feeling nervous and excited.

The little white snake seemed to sense that she was its mother and its small, pink tongue licked her fingers.

“My child, you’re so adorable!”

Excitedly, she asked, “Is it a boy or a girl?”

Bai Sijin flipped it over to examine its belly and replied, “It’s a little male snake.”

“Whether it’s a boy or a girl, I love it!” Xu Xuancao spread her arms and twirled with Bai Sijin. “I want to give him a name that sounds as beautiful as yours.”

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