Chapter 43: Reveal the Snake-Qilin!

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The Qilin was extremely agitated, its large nostrils breathing heavily, and its iron hooves causing the ground to shake.

Suddenly, it came to a halt in front of Bai Sijin, leaning forward to sniff his scent like a canine.

Bai Sijin stepped back, avoiding the flames, and faced the towering beast with a calm expression.

Xu Xuancao’s heart tightened, about to fly over. But at that moment, the Qilin, unexpectedly, leaped past White Sijin.

Upon witnessing this scene, Yun Yu couldn’t help but be astonished.

Wasn’t the Qilin supposed to be the natural enemy of the White Snake? Why did White Sijin show no reaction to its presence?

The Qilin’s unfounded rage remained unabated.

Xu Xuancao flew to Bai Sijin’s side, her face filled with concern. “Are you injured?”

“I’m fine.” Bai Sijin’s gaze remained locked on the Qilin, his expression meaningful.

What was particularly strange was that the Qilin had not harmed any living beings along its path. It seemed to be searching for something and was getting closer to where Yun Yu was hiding.

Seeing the Qilin approaching, Yun Yu quickly became aware and was about to escape the area.

The Qilin caught the scent it had been pursuing all along, its crimson eyes filled with fury.

Its iron hooves shattered the dried tree trunk, and its ferocious beast face lunged towards Yun Yu, ready to bite.

Caught off guard by this sudden turn of events, Yun Yu narrowly evaded the Qilin’s attack.

Why didn’t it attack Bai Sijin and instead relentlessly pursued him?

At that moment, when Yun Yu had severed the withered tree trunk with a sword, he sensed the Qilin’s anger.

Without thinking too much, Yun Yu flew out of the mountain cave. Little did he know that the frenzied Qilin was after his life.

What was the reason behind all of this?

Was he deceived by Ling Huwei? Or was it a trap set by Bai Sijin?

Indeed, there was a belief that the Qilin was the natural enemy of the snake, but Qilins were extremely rare, and no one had truly verified this.

Yun Yu had a vested interest with Ling Huwei, so Ling Huwei shouldn’t deceive him.

It was highly likely that Bai Sijin, taking advantage of the alcohol, deceived the naive Ling Huwei and fabricated his own vulnerability.

The Qilin had been sealed in this place by the heavenly gods. The heavenly gods probably placed a curse, stating that whoever broke the seal would face the Qilin’s pursuit and execution.

That’s why for thousands of years, the Qilin’s seal had never been broken.

This was a plan that killed two birds with one stone. It not only broke the heavenly gods’ barrier but also released the Qilin to kill potential enemies.

Bai Sijin’s scheming was truly profound.

The Qilin didn’t give Yun Yu much time to think. It relentlessly pursued him in a state of rage.

After all, the Qilin was a divine beast with incredibly powerful abilities. Yun Yu’s recent emotional turmoil had greatly damaged his cultivation, making him no match for the Qilin.

Yun Yu was struck by the Qilin’s tail, crashing heavily into a tree trunk, coughing up blood, and experiencing excruciating pain throughout his body.

Xu Xuancao, seeing her master in danger, quickly rushed to assist him, swinging her sword at the Qilin.

The Qilin’s scales were impenetrable, and the sword couldn’t pierce its body.

A shout came from Bai Sijin in the distance, “The abdomen is its weak spot!”

Hearing this, Xu Xuancao leaped below and discovered that the Qilin’s belly was covered in thin scales. She infused her spiritual power into her sword and successfully stabbed the Qilin’s abdomen.

The Qilin, critically injured, let out a long roar, its massive body collapsing to the ground.

The skin on its belly cracked open like rocks, and crimson molten lava burst out from its abdomen.

The trees were instantly engulfed in flames, and within moments, the fire spread throughout the entire forest.

Xu Xuancao could clearly perceive that the fire within the Qilin’s belly was not an ordinary fire and couldn’t be extinguished by conventional means.

Thinking about how Bai Sijin was a mortal and completely defenseless against the flames, her heart sank.

“Husband!” Xu Xuancao shouted loudly as thick smoke billowed around them, obscuring everything in the vicinity.

“My husband! Where are you?”

“Xuancao.” Under a white poplar tree, Bai Sijin, clad in snowy garments, stood in a green oasis that had yet to be engulfed by the sea of fire.

Upon seeing him, Xu Xuancao was overjoyed and was about to fly down towards White Sijin.

Yun Yu, consumed with hatred towards Bai Sijin, seethed with anger, his chest heaving. He angrily snapped off a burning tree branch with his bare hands and hurled it fiercely at White Sijin.

“This is the Threefold True Fire, reveal your true form, you demon!”

Bai Sijin didn’t have time to dodge and was struck directly in the chest.

The flames licked at his pristine white garments, greedily consuming them. His robes were charred black.

Beneath the burned-out clothing, his once pure white skin revealed layer upon layer of silver scales, glistening like white jade.

Xu Xuancao froze on the spot, staring blankly at the serpent scales on her husband’s skin.

She lifted her gaze to his face, her eyes wandering aimlessly, as if she didn’t recognize him at all.

“Who… are you?”

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