Chapter 48: He fiercely kissed her

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Ah Qing was skilled in trash-talking, but his cultivation was lousy. He was easily defeated by Xu Xuancao and ended up being bound with a demonic rope, resembling a rice dumpling.

Ah Qing was furious and cursed in a Sichuan dialect, “Your mother’s a prostitute! I’ll clean the wax out of your ears! Mmm…”

His mouth was stuffed with grass, leaving him only able to make muffled cries.

Xu Xuancao tied him to the top of a bare tree, fearing that he would dry up in the sun. Out of kindness, she placed a fresh green banana leaf on top of his head.

As the sun set, the sky was filled with colorful hues.

Xu Xuancao sat cross-legged under the tree, waiting for Bai Sijin to appear, and taking the opportunity to restore her energy.

She closed her eyes and entered a meditative state.

Suddenly, she felt a cool hand gently caressing her cheek, as if holding a precious treasure that had been lost and found.

For some reason, the tenderness was heartbreaking.

Her heart skipped a beat. When did this person appear? She hadn’t noticed at all.

Xu Xuancao opened her eyes, her vision blurred by the dazzling light. The face in front of her gradually became clear.

After a year apart, he was still the elegant young man with a jade crown, dressed in a pristine white robe, exuding an air of nobility.

He gazed at her with such focus, such infatuation.

But there was a hint of faint blue in his eyes, like the lingering ashes of a long-burning fire.

Xu Xuancao felt a sudden pain in her heart, as if the long-lasting tranquility after practicing the Way of Ruthlessness had been shattered by a stone.

He traced her delicate cheek with his fingers, saying, “You seem thinner…”

She turned her face away, avoiding Bai Sijin’s touch, keeping her distance from him.

As if by distancing herself from him, she could restore order to her state of mind.

Xu Xuamcao regained her resolute demeanor and faced Bai Sijin, saying, “Demon, you have deceived me for far too long. I should have anticipated this battle.”

He calmly asked, “Are you determined to defeat me?”

Xu Xucao replied, “Indeed.”

He gracefully sat on the green grass, a faint smile appearing at the corner of his eyebrow. “Then I surrender, do as you wish.”

Ah Qing, who was bound to the tree, listened with wide-eyed astonishment.

Ah Qing: Oh my god, my brother actually surrendered! What am I going to do? Who will come and save me!

Bai Sijin’s unexpected words left Xu Xuancao stunned. “What kind of trick are you playing now?”

He smiled and gazed at her, his eyes revealing adoration. “Whatever you want to do, of course, I’ll comply.”

“…Don’t regret it.” Xu Xuancao took out a golden bowl – a magical tool given to her by a monk many years ago. Golden light enveloped Bai Sijin’s body, capturing him within the golden bowl.

Xu Xuancao lowered her head and saw a white jade serpent peacefully curled up inside the bowl. It stuck out its tongue playfully towards her, exhibiting a hint of cuteness.

Unable to resist, she reached out and touched the serpent, feeling its smooth and glassy scales.

The white serpent moved closer, its tail coiling around her finger. It gently bumped its head against her palm, its moist tongue licking her fingertip.

She suddenly pulled her hand back, feeling a lingering itch on her skin, and a peculiar thought crossed her mind. “You’re still the same…”

The binding rope on the tree swayed in the wind, and at some point, the green serpent had already escaped without a trace.

Who secretly released the green serpent?

Well, since the demon was caught, she wouldn’t worry about such trivial matters for now.

Leifeng Pagoda stood adjacent to West Lake, with Buddhist statues inside. Wherever the Buddha’s light shone, it could suppress all evils.

Xu Xuancao arrived at Leifeng Pagoda, wielding her sword. She entered the pagoda and set up a barrier to imprison Bai Sijin.

Once everything was in place, Xu Xucao discovered that the golden bowl was empty, and the white serpent was nowhere to be found.

Had he escaped…

She remained calm and alert. As soon as she turned around, a figure in white appeared before her, his broad chest pressing against hers.

A wet and passionate kiss descended upon her, forcefully claiming her lips.

It was powerful, so powerful, as if trying to make up for the lost year with intense fervor.

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