Chapter 42: The birth of a Qilin

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Xu Xuancao gently stroked the charred branches of the withered tree and sighed, “The tree seems to have withered for many years. It’s strange, but every time I come here, I have a strong feeling of closeness.”

Bai Sijin stared at the tree’s branches, his gaze suddenly enlightened. “I once lived here for a period of time.”

“Huh?” Xu Xuancao looked at him in astonishment. “When?”

“It was many years ago.”

“You’ve been to Qingcheng Mountain? How come I’ve never seen you?”

Bai Sijin smiled and ruffled her hair. “Perhaps you have seen me.”

Xu Xuancao speculated that Bai Sijin must have passed through Qingcheng Mountain and lived in seclusion like a hermit. Perhaps they had a brief encounter many years ago.

Fate is truly unfathomable.

At this moment, Yun Yu stood at the top of the cave, gazing down through the hole, observing the two of them nestled together, enjoying their own world.

His fists clenched tightly, his meridians on the verge of bursting.

He attributed the damage to his heartless cultivation foundation to Bai Sijin. Only by completely resolving him could he guide his disciple onto the right path.

That faint flicker of worldly desire must remain buried deep within him. He couldn’t let his affection for his disciples destroy hundreds of years of cultivation.

After the two left the cave, Yun Yu leaped down from the cave’s top, wielding the Guangyang Divine Sword in his hand, slashing at the fragile and about-to-break withered tree.

Only by severing the withered tree would the seal be lifted!

Xu Xuancao walked hand in hand with Bai Sijin along a path shaded by greenery when suddenly, from the lava cave, came a roar that made their eardrums tremble.

“What’s that sound?” Xu Xuancao turned alertly and looked toward the entrance of the cave.

Bai Sijin anticipated something happening and his expression changed slightly.

It was likely that a ferocious beast was inside the cave. Xu Xuancao hurriedly said to Bai Sijin, “You go back first!”

After saying that, she swiftly drew her sword and rushed towards the cave.

The cave was filled with sand and stones, and dust cascaded down. Looking up, they discovered a massive hole had been knocked open in the cave’s ceiling.

The ferocious beast must have flown out.

Oh no, her husband was still outside. If he encountered that beast…

Xu Xuancao flew out through the broken opening of the cave and used her spiritual awareness to survey the surroundings.

In the mountains and forests stood a beast covered in scales, with a dragon’s head, deer antlers, and a bear’s waist. It spewed flames from its mouth, and its fierce appearance was terrifying.

Based on her knowledge from books, Xu Xuancao determined that this was the legendary mythical beast, the Qilin.

Not far from the Qilin stood Bai Sijin, dressed in white and elegant.

The Qilin seemed extremely restless, with flames erupting and blackening the ground, narrowly missing Bai Sijin.

Xu Xuancao’s heart raced, and she tightly gripped her Tai Xu sword, preparing to rush over and divert the Qilin’s attention, so as not to harm her defenseless husband.

Meanwhile, Yun Yu hid in the dense forest, observing every move of the Qilin, a sly smile curling his lips.

He pondered in secret that according to Linghu Wei’s words, the Qilin was the natural enemy of snakes and would definitely attack Bai Sijin.

It would be best to stand in front of his disciple, forcing Bai Sijin to reveal his true form, and then the Qilin would devour him in one bite.

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