Chapter 40: Master peeps at the cloud and rain (half meat and half plot)

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After navigating through the ordeal, Xu Xuancao returned to her bedroom feeling exhausted. As she opened the door, she was greeted by a completely transformed space.

Under the soft glow of the lights, Bai Sijin bowed slightly, folding a corner of the green bellyband neatly.

He meticulously arranged the other clothes, placing them neatly in the wardrobe.

The bedroom had been thoroughly cleaned, with items sorted and organized. By the window, a newly planted green vine added a touch of freshness and loveliness.

Xu Xuancao’s face blushed suddenly. She wasn’t fond of tidying up, and the room was often messy, requiring her husband’s help to tidy it up.

Bai Sijin turned back with a smile and said, “Feeling tired? I’ve heated some water for you to bathe and change.”

Xu Xuancao responded with a soft “Mmm” and felt a sweet warmth in her heart.

How could such a considerate husband possibly be an evil demon?

She undressed and slowly sank into the bathtub, immersed in the clear and warm water.

Dimly, she caught a glimpse of a figure reflected on the translucent folding screen, resembling an elegant white poplar embroidered on thin gauze.

With her hands resting gently on the edge of the tub, she called out, “Husband~”

A gentle response came from the other side, “What’s the matter?”

“Will you help me wash my back, please?”

The footsteps approached slowly as his slender and fair hand twisted the towel, gently wiping her delicate neck.

“Is the water temperature alright?” he asked in a low voice.

“Mmm,” she felt so comfortable, enjoying the sensation of his hand gliding slowly down her waist, tracing circles along her soft skin.

The area being touched tickled, and her heart tickled even more…

“Look here.” She pinched the water’s surface with two fingers and flicked it towards him.

Two droplets splashed on his face, and he merely smiled, pinching her nose.

“Do you want to wash with me?” he asked.

Her thoughts were instantly exposed, but she didn’t hesitate. She swiftly emerged from the water, her naked and smooth body glistening with water droplets, and tightly embraced him.

Without even removing his clothes, Bai Sijin was pulled into the water by her.

His snowy white attire became semi-transparent when wet, clinging to his strong masculine body, exuding a seductive allure.

His thin lips slightly curved, a smile that was more like a smirk, as he gazed at her with a hint of helplessness, his eyes revealing indescribable indulgence.

She leaned in and kissed him, saying, “Let’s wash together, so you won’t have to heat water again. It’s troublesome to keep going back and forth.”

Bai Sijin chuckled and pointed at his drenched clothes. “You’re making it easier for me.”

Xu Xuancao reached out her hand towards him. “Let me help you take it off.”

Bai Sijin brushed aside her hand. “Don’t be naughty.”

“I really want to help you.” Despite saying that, her hands were hidden in the water, poking him playfully like a little fish, touching his strong waist, lower abdomen, and even his legs…

He caught her mischievous hands and leaned over her, pressing her down. “Since you’re being so restless, let’s take care of things on the bed as well.”

“Huh?” She was restrained by him, pressed against the edge of the bathtub, and stared at his deep, dark eyes in astonishment.

His pupils were intensely dark, seemingly bottomless, as if devouring her soul from within.

Suddenly, he kissed her, his lips gentle like a soft drizzle, landing on the corner of her mouth.

His hands parted her slender legs and skillfully kneaded her sensitive areas, making her legs go weak.

“Husband~~~” She arched against him like a playful kitten, wrapping her delicate hands lightly around his back. “I want you~~~”

He removed his undergarment in his hands, firmly holding her waist, and descended, inserting his already hard member into the girl’s wet opening.

Meanwhile, high above at the Daoist temple, Yun Yu took out a diamond-shaped silver mirror from a treasure box.

He placed the mirror on the stand, hesitated for a while, and lightly moved his finger on the mirror’s surface, releasing a trace of spiritual power.

The mirror displayed a vivid and sensual scene.

A partially undressed man pressed a young and beautiful girl against the edge of a bathtub, his broad chest concealing half of her naked body, only revealing her moaning red lips and the deformed flesh in his grasp.

The girl seemed to be nailed to the wooden tub, allowing the man to move on top of her, causing her fair skin to turn pink from their passionate encounter.

“Ah… I can’t take it anymore… Husband, be gentle…”

As their bodies intertwined, the water in the bathtub swayed and splashed onto the floor.

Yun Yu stared at the mirror in a daze, his lower abdomen boiling with surging blood that rushed into his usually calm and composed mind.

Suddenly, he had a fantasy. The man in the mirror was himself, his robust body forcefully ravishing the girl, making her beg for him repeatedly.

Perhaps, he had harbored this desire for a long time, a demon in his heart during his tribulation…

No wonder he couldn’t break through the tenth level. The root of the problem lay here.

The man in the mirror abruptly stopped his movements, tilting his body upward, blocking the girl’s partially exposed ample bosom. He looked up, seemingly meeting Yun Yu’s gaze from the mirror’s perspective.

His clear and moist eyes turned icy cold in an instant, as if he was directly staring at Yun Yu.

Yun Yu froze on the spot, his body entangled by an icy snake, unable to move no matter how hard he struggled. He could only watch as the snake kept its eyes on him, ready to devour him at any moment.

The shiny mirror cracked with fine lines, shattering into pieces that fell onto the table.

Yun Yu felt a sharp pain in his chest and spat out a mouthful of bright red blood.

He looked at the bloodstains on the floor, wiped the corners of his mouth, and trembled violently all over.

“It’s him, it’s really him…”

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