Winners (Poem)

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Recently updated after Real Life!

Luckily my sweater is red, to hide all the blood staining my hands,
Standing over the last body, I can tell it's almost my time,
A step,
A slight hesitation,
A jump,
Then what?

The last arrow flies, but I can tell it's not needed,
My red halo sparkles evilly, a reminder of who I am,
After all of that, it's my turn,
Once again I'm faced with death and it's knocking on my door,
Time to leap, and answer the call.

As I watch him light the match, I know what's going to happen,
As I watch him stare down at me from the hill, I know there's nothing I can do,
But I can't help but reach out towards him,
He smiles,
An invitation to join him.

The feeling of initial adrenaline drains from my body,
And I look around at what I've done,
But all I can feel is excitement,
I won,
But the cost?
Worth it,
And the time?
It's all coming back to me.

As I hunt around for my last obstacle, I feel an overwhelming sense of relief,
It's almost over,
But little do I know,
It already is,
I jump down into the cave, and I see her body,
I won.

After stumbling my way through this life,
I swing clumsily dispatching of my final opponent,
The victory is less satisfying than I'd like,
Less earned,
But a win is a win,
And at this point I'll take it,
Because what choice do I have?

I think that it's really poetic because it portrays the winners, not really as winners. But as pawns in the game, feeling the hurt and betrayal just as much as anyone else. It might just be me though. Props if you know who everyone is and who they've just killed or witnessed died.

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