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As Dumbledore's announcement of a one-hour break filled the room, the atmosphere shifted from tension to a mix of relief and curiosity

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As Dumbledore's announcement of a one-hour break filled the room, the atmosphere shifted from tension to a mix of relief and curiosity. The buzz of voices ebbed and flowed, conversations intertwining in a tapestry of shared concerns and whispered speculations.

In the midst of the commotion, Mia found herself enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions, each passing moment amplifying the weight of expectations and attention on her shoulders. The room seemed to shrink around her, the sea of faces blurring into a mosaic of worry and intrigue. A knot formed in her throat, threatening to unleash a flood of tears that she fought valiantly to hold back.

With a deep breath, Mia steeled herself against the wave of emotions threatening to consume her. The reality of her newfound status settled in, a heavy cloak of responsibility draped over her fragile frame. The knowledge that her every move would be scrutinized, dissected, and debated weighed heavily on her, a bitter pill to swallow in the midst of uncertainty.

Wiping away a stray tear with a shaky hand, Mia masked her inner turmoil behind a facade of calm, a practiced smile concealing the storm raging within. Ignoring the curious glances and hushed whispers that followed her every step, she sought solace in the familiarity of the common room, craving a moment of respite from the tumultuous sea of emotions.

Just as she thought she had found a fleeting moment of peace, a sharp call of her name shattered the fragile tranquility she sought. "Potter!" The voice sliced through the air, freezing Mia in her tracks, her heart skipping a beat in surprise.

Turning slowly, her eyes wide with uncertainty, Mia was met with a sight that caught her off guard – Pansy Parkinson standing before her, a figure she never expected to encounter.

Pansy's icy demeanor seemed to melt away, replaced by a look of genuine concern as she approached Mia. "Are you okay? I saw you..." Her voice, once sharp and cutting, now carried a tinge of vulnerability that caught Mia off guard.

Mia blinked in surprise, her confusion evident on her face. "Uh, yeah, I'm great. Why do you care all of a sudden?" She couldn't help but sound guarded, the walls she had built around herself in Pansy's presence still standing strong.

Pansy fidgeted nervously, her usual air of confidence faltering. "Look, I know we haven't exactly been mates or anything, but I saw how everyone was talking about you, and I just... I wanted to check in." Her words were hesitant, a stark contrast to her usual sharp-tongued retorts.

Mia's expression softened slightly as she regarded Pansy with a mix of surprise and wariness. The sincerity in Pansy's words touched something within her, a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, people could change.

Pansy nervously tugged at her fingers, a telltale sign of her discomfort as she searched for the right words. "Have you tried going to therapy?" Her question hung in the air, a hesitant suggestion laced with genuine concern.

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