Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Growing Close To You 


The next day, Jack got ready for school again. Doing his usual routine, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, waking up Sam and made a bowl of cereal for them two. As the day went by it was almost lunch and Jack couldn't wait to see his friends again. Even though he already saw Wade and Bob, he wanted to see Mark again. Yeah, even though he did spend the whole day with him on Monday, he was anxious just to see him again. As he sat through a boring lesson on Health he looked up at the clock. Watching as the little hand slowly turn to make each minute. 

Mr. Cruz was blabbering on about STDs mainly HIV. Jack just wanted to go to lunch, he wanted to go back to the tree and just hang out. But grades come first he guessed. Jack actually started to pay attention to the subject at hand. 

"HIV symptoms concludes of fevers, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes — often one of the first signs of HIV infection. As well for, diarrhea, weight loss, cough and shortness of breath." Mr. Cruz walked up to a student who was falling asleep through the lesson and banged on his desk. "If you don't want to look like a stick with cancer, you better pay attention." his voice boomed throughout the classroom. 

"You can prevent HIV very easily. By, having less risky sex, use condoms that's what they're made for, limit your number of sexual partners, talk to your healthcare provider about pre-exposure prophylaxis aka PrEP and for God's sake don't inject drugs. Pretty easy." he concluded, from the middle of the classroom you can hear a whisper "Easy for you too say." Mr. Cruz looked up at the girl who said such a comment. "Honey, my battery power last longer than most of your relationships." she looked up, clearly offended by such the comeback. "If, we're done discussing if this is easy or not. Back to the lesson." Mr. Cruz looked up at the clock to see he only had 10 more minutes to teach class. 

Jack was started to get impatient with the tedious clock. "Well, since there is only mere minutes left for class, you can do me the pleasure of taking a quick quiz on what we learned about right now. Oh, and if you don't finish it this class period have fun doing it for homework." Mr. Cruz purposely gave out the sheets slowly, starting from the back. Jack received the paper first, he scanned the the multiple questions. Sighing as he took out a pencil, he started to fill out the questions. Which was surprisingly, easy since he remember everything that Mr. Cruz said. With a minute to spare Jack was finished. 

Damn, wasn't this the longest minute of his life. He watched the red little hand tick it's way to the 12 again. With one last quick glance at his test, the school bell starts to ring. Jack puts his books and pencils inside his backpack and handed his quiz in before  leaving. 

Jack left to his locker, already getting ready for his period after lunch and left his backpack in his locker. Jack left for lunch and headed for the lunch line just to get an apple and water. He then headed off to an empty lunch table, not really sure if they wanted him back or not. 

"Hey! Jack! Come over here dude!" Jack turned to see Wade beckoning him over to the table filled with his friends from yesterday. Jack smiled and grabbed his apple and water and headed off to the table. He took a seat next to Mark, whom instantly blushed once he did so. "Hey guys!" Jack cheered, everyone said hey, even Mark. The table emerged in small talk with each other. "So, Jack you was at Mark's house yesterday?" Bob asked, smirking. Jack cheeks went pink as he remember the somewhat cuddling they shared. "Y-yeah, I was, turns out he lives right next to me." Mark smiled and turned his head away from Jack. "Yeah, he was, problem? We we're just hanging out." Mark said, clearly pissed that they brought up that subject. 

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