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Yesterday, Daniel from Cyndago passed away... 

He was found in critical condition after attempting suicide (drug overdose I believe) and later taken off of life support. 

Guys, you ARE important. 

No matter what your past was.

No matter what your future will be. 

No matter what's going on right now. 

You. Are. Important. 

And please never think otherwise. Reach out, seek help because someone out there loves you for you. Someone out there cares about you. Someone out there is willing to help you. 

So never, ever think you are nothing. That you're better off dead. Because honestly, the effect that has on people... Is worse than breaking bones. 

I love you all... Everyone who's been with me throughout this book... Thank you... Thank you so much. 

You guys are important. 

Rest in peace, Daniel. 

You'll forever be loved and missed by millions. 








Cyndago's facebook post ^ 

You guys are important, never forget that. 

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