Princess - Ch. 113

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The gruesome sight made me throw up.

And I thought I got used to seeing corpses and other nasty things at this point, but this was new. The Saipole wizards were mangled and dismembered, with their insides scattered around in the jungle-like forest.

"You all right, Elizabeth?" Cath asked me, holding up my hair.

"Do I look like I'm all right?" I grumbled, before vomiting again. I already felt sick because of stress and fighting this deity inside me, but this was the last drop in that cup. "Ugh, I haven't thrown up this much since those beasts poisoned me a month ago."

"That's not what I heard though." The paladin giggled, but turned back into her gray, or rather, blue self, looking apologetically.

"Aoi Sama, we must turn back." The gladiators argued with our heavy-handed expedition leader. "Whatever did this to the wizards, they were our main firepower, and none of them seem to have survived this. We would not stand a chance either. Let's just barricade the entrance instead."

"No, that won't do. We can't desert our capital like Baran was abandoned." The blue-robed princess protested but also struggled with the sight of his comrades. She didn't have issues with the massacred penal squad, trying to act threatening at the time. "Fine, we turn back for now and try it again later. But since our mission failed, I won't let you off the hook yet."

That last part was aimed directly at me, but I expected that much. Geddu hinted that she wouldn't let us go either way, especially now that she possessed my body now and then. As enthusiastic as I was about a deity answering my prayers before, now it seemed a major setback I had to fight. And it was a losing battle, just like the one these wizards fought.

There were a few monster carcasses, but it seemed like a one-sided slaughter, just like when the harpies attacked us. The penal squad was expendable from the start but these wizards were the elite.

Still, I was glad to hear we'd return to the surface, even being thrown back to our cells seemed like a better deal than suffering the same fate as these guys in the dungeon. The only one trying to protest it was Gadurien since she could not take over my body anywhere else.

"Don't be so sure about that, sweetheart." Her voice appeared in my head just to prove me wrong. "It would be much easier to do it here, yes. More convenient too, if I don't have to fight the Inquisitorias over it, but it's not impossible by any means."

Gods were truly terrible. Especially the ones I looked up to. Geddu would try to tempt me with stories from the Second Great Continental War, and how Hetlir and Hemmlir committed tremendous atrocities against other human ethnicities to further their own goals.

Compared to them, Smiling Kisserleng and Remmol were indeed saints who helped, healed, and defended people. Gadurien's example showed that they only saw us as expendable tools, as the Saipole princess did with the penal squad. I had no idea how I could get rid of her.

"You can't. I might decide to abandon you, but that won't be your decision, Princess." The voice told me, and I threw up again.

"Okay, get yourselves together, we will head back the same way we came, and leave for now," Aoi announced, didn't bother burying the dead. I soon found out why though. "Oh, purifying flames, cleanse their bodies from sins of failure, and take their souls to the other world."

She almost sang it like a prayer, but those didn't work down here. The flames spontaneously appeared regardless, engulfing the mangled corpses, and taking down most of the vegetation with them in the area. The jungle was rather wet, resulting in a choking thick smoke, no matter how fast we tried to leave the premises.

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