Lambert - Ch. 139

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"See the other holes, Lambert?"

Despite the wording, the Goddess pointed at tunnels nearby. I blushed for thinking about it, avoiding looking at her perfect but colorless shape. She was too close since we left the village, and would not slow down, dragging me along the way.

The creatures that attacked her stood no chance. I didn't have time to get scared, she wiped them all out with her glance alone. The saying 'looks could kill' got a new meaning, and she held back quite a bit.

"I felt them on the surface, but they were further apart. This means the dungeon's plane stretches thin underneath the continent." She explained, but I was at a loss for what she meant. "We could walk a few miles and dig another hole to find ourselves dozens if not hundred miles from where we started. Fascinating, time could be different too."

Did she read my mind, or expected that I'd be too stupid to understand without further explanation? I envied how anything could fascinate her while she decided to save her comrades.

For me, things happened too fast to react, the only emotion welling up inside me was fear. And I couldn't decide if I should fear the dungeon more, or the Goddess of Luck instead.

"You mean Nati's expedition spent more time down here than we thought?" I asked, stealing glances at the destruction she caused.

The place was strange, I had no words for it, but there was no time to analyze everything around us. Was it something exclusive to deities, or women, how they perceived everything at once? All the while she focused on something else. Or could Alexandra be this special?

Frozen in an eternal sunset, the sky was purple, but I saw no real sun. A dense forest covered the vast expanse, but the leaves were blue and red, not the green I expected. Filled with strange creatures, most of them hid themselves. The Goddess incinerated the rest without a warning.

"Either more or much less. But we better hurry." She nodded at a flickering light in the far distance. "There is something big going on. Careful with your spells, the mana is so thick here, if you try to create a candlelight, it would appear as a campfire."

So she wasn't this overpowered, only the place and the mana made her more destructive than usual. I never saw her fight in earnest so I wouldn't know, but two lines of thoughts fought each other inside my brain. One feared her for being this powerful, the other wished she'd be stronger to deal with what awaited us.

"Are all dungeons like this?" I could only stumble after her, lost in these thoughts and the alien sights. She held my wrist, her hand firm, and if I didn't follow her fast enough, I bet she would tear my arm off before slowing down. But she answered my questions in great detail.

"No, Lambert, this one is old. I don't recall ever hearing about a dungeon that lasted a decade, or grew this big." She noted, pondering for a moment. "It's strange, I don't even feel the infernal creatures. It's all a weird mix of abyssal monsters and diverse mutations among them."

But answering in great detail didn't mean her words made sense to me. The smart student I believed myself to be, struggled to decipher her words. Or to find the connections between the sudden jumps in logic.

"In a way that I understand too, Goddess, please," I begged, already out of breath. She rushed into the woods, but it was like a jungle. We needed to find a trail to advance, and even those were too narrow.

She didn't mind and opened her own. She cared not about collateral damage, with a single goal in mind. And if she had to destroy the entire dungeon to reach it, she wouldn't shy away from it either. With those colorless eyebrows furrowed on her pretty face, I wouldn't want to stand in her way either. And her fingers grabbed me like a vice.

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