Stern - Ch. 137

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"Congratulations on your promotion, Major Stern."

"Lady Saint, you are too kind." I bowed to the Elder with many eyes on us. The audience with the King went better than I expected. "I should congratulate you instead. The only saint of humanity since the Collapse."

"It's not my merit alone. The people have chosen me to protect them, and I answered their call." She talked as if we were strangers. The nobles present seemed cautious around her, and I could guess where the missing ones went. "There is still more to do before I can rest though."

This meant she was ready for the next phase of her plans. Curiosity mixed with fear in me, I looked forward to them. She made me a part of it all, and I wasn't bad off until now. She promised me this rank a while ago, and I didn't expect the King to grant it right after my return.

"Thank you for your service fighting this terrible menace, and allow me to pray for your fallen men." She kept up the act on our way out. The corridors were full of lower-ranked aristocrats and more commoners than I expected. I knew she had an explanation. "I hope their loss wasn't in vain."

Her words rang hollow when she was the one ordering their deaths, but that's how she rolled. Her skin looked better than ever since her transformation. Her eyes sparkled, and her golden blonde hair fluttered with every step. Her clothing was white instead of the usual gray. It was a subtle difference, but she almost glowed in it, the image of purity.

It contrasted with her real personality, and I needed to focus on my performance to keep up this image. Not everyone was happy with her, and being close to such an influential person endangered me too. The higher-ranking nobles who still attended looked at me with disdain. While I couldn't hear what they talked about as we passed them, I had a good guess. They wanted both of us gone.

"Look at the stuck-up royal bastard, now that the Elder Advisor has become a saint, he licks her boots as you'd expect." I caught an idiot's mumble, but he was wrong. I licked her boots way before she became this influential. I saw the potential even back when she was that wrinkled old lady everyone hated but nobody could step over.

"He should have died with his men on that expedition." Another whispered, but too loud to ignore. "Since when did he take over the Royal Company anyway? It should be in the hand of the noble houses."

In their eyes, this expedition was nothing short of a disaster. A company's worth of soldiers set out, and only half a dozen returned. But the Elder requested it, to tie up loose ends while showing how dangerous the lizardmen threat was.

The King was on her side, but the aristocrats bickered, instead of facing external threats. The Elder wanted unity, even if it was against her. She needed to solidify her position in Sanctuary and strengthen this stronghold too. The Demon Lord was on the move, even if I didn't run into them, I had seen the signs.

The Elder pinched me, careful not to get noticed by the onlookers, but it was a clear sign that I had to continue acting. I spent too much time listening to the whispers as we neared the main gates.

"We suffered terrible losses, but now I know the extent of their strength. And their strong points," I claimed, hoping this was the scene she wanted to act out. "They are fearsome warriors and have plenty of samans casting spells. If I knew what I'd run into, I would have requested the aid of the Church, but as it seems, you needed them back home too."

"Nothing I couldn't handle." She nodded, holding onto my arms. "I agree that we must cooperate more, between the Church and the Army. With the Inquisitorias dismantled, we no longer hold military strength. But we still have to fight off these dangerous monsters."

Of course, they were dangerous when the Elder was behind them. She advanced her plans while I was away, which I expected, but still caught me by surprise. For some time I felt like she lacked the ambition or the guts to make the next step. She spent a long time on preparations and intricate plans. She could have grabbed power at any given moment without them.

Nateaser: Reborn As My Love InterestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora