Meet Your Gamemakers

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Name: Gazette Abalone

Age: 26

Position: Head Gamemaker

Physical Description: Gazette is similar to her namesake. She is very lean and would sometimes be describes as willowy. She has midnight black hair cut in a bob that falls to her chin. Her skin is almost porcelain and snowy. Contrasting with her hair, Gazette has pale blue eyes.They have no alterations whatsoever and Gazette is proud of it. Other than her hair, Gazette has two alterations. All over her body, she has a never ending black tattoo. It runs along her back and wraps around her arms and legs like a decaying vine. Her second alteration is a set of engraved diamonds that decorate her bony shoulders. She is a woman of simple class, not to extravagant by Capitol standards.

Tribute Type: Gazette loves the brave, the ruthless with brawn. She wants someone interesting to spice things up in the Games. It doesn't have to be a Career or underdog, it can and will be anyone. She craves action within the Games, excluding the blood and gore.

Arena Type: She likes a medium played arena. One where there are many open places for a feast or a second bloodbath. But, she also likes arenas that seem to be jumbled into one area and one area only. She does not want to play to any tributes advantage, so all her arenas will be extraordinary.

Specialty: Gazette, oddly enough, doesn't specialize in mutts. She does, however, assist in their making. Her specialty are traps and mistrust. She is the calm before the storm; she'll give you a couple of safe days to the point where you do think you're safe, and then...BOOM! Get the cannons ready.

Sponsoring: The head Gamemaker will sponsor up to three. But, if there is an interesting batch, she will chose up to eight to aid.


Name: Thaila Cezela

Age: 26

Position:Tribute Analyzer

Physical Description: Thaila has beautiful brown curly lock with piercing green dragon like eyes, she is 5'2 very short, has big black glasses.

Tribute Type: smart and cunning, mostly the underdogs.

Arena Type: An arena where the tributes have to use their brain to navigate.

Specialty: Mutations.

Sponsoring: Up to five but will decide once the games start.

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