D12F: Jade-Grace Rojas

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Name: Jade-Grace Rojas(Prefers Jace)

Age: 15

Sex: Female

District: 12

Physical Description: Jace is about 5'10" and has choppy red hair. She has green eyes and tank skin that is covered in freckles. She is what many would call striking. Not necessarily beautiful, but she tends to stick in your mind.

Background: Jace is the oldest of five, and she traded in the Hob/hunted in the woods to help her family survive. She has a father and a mother, her father works in the mines and her mother helps out in the Children's Home.

Personality: Jace is spunky and sassy, and her quirkiness sometimes turns people off. However she is willing to team up and is pretty smart. She is usually tactful but when angered, she can be rude and brutally honest

Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow/Sword

Strengths: Good aim when shooting, Tall, strong, smart.

Weaknesses: fears the loss of her family, isn't good at healing.

Token: A small wooden necklace her sister made her five years ago.

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reaction/Reason: Her sister was reaped.

Alliances: Yes

Other: N/A

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