Task One: If Tomorrow Starts Without Me

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Gazette walks through her office passing back and forth. The ratings for the games were going down and she needed to do something about it. The arena is set, but there needs to be drama and even more betrayal than ever. Someone knocks on the door.

In walks Thalia Cezela, the very person she doesn't need to deal with anymore. "I have an idea," pipes Thalia. Straight to the point and very curt.

Exasperated, Gazette just manages a stiff nod, offering Thalia to continue. "What if we bring in the interviewer? What's her name? Candy Cinnamon?"

"Candice Canetti, dear," Gazette replies. How did she not remember the interviewer's name? They'd been working together for several years now.

"Yes, her. We know some things about their past, their general background. But we don't know them." Simple and efficient, an interview.

Agreeing, Gazette nods and smiles. She ever wondered why she thought Thalia was clueless. She had very good and impressing ideas. A little too good, if you asked Gazette.

"Someone please page in Miss Canetti. We have a little job for her to do," Gazette says coolly. She and Thalia sit opposite each other, waiting for the interviewer to enter.


Not even five minutes later, in strides Candice Canetti. Her hair has been blown out and made to look dirty and savage. But all the same, you cannot deny Candice's beauty. She currently looked like an Amazon queen.

"You wanted to see me, Gazette?" Candice Canetti asks.

"Actually we wanted to see you," Gazette says. She and Thalia were now a team, "We have a favor to ask. As you know, we only have brief information on our tributes." Candice nods along with Thalia. Gazette speaks again, "So, we were wondering if you'd interview them. Not in the usual style, with the audience and everything. We want an honest interview, private."

Candice agrees. Thalia has another request: "But, of course, ask deep questions. We want to know how to attack the tributes. Ask about their regrets, their hopes. Anything we can use to manipulate them."

"Wait, wait," Gazette interjects before Candice can continue writing notes, "Ask them what would happen if they weren't born. How their families would be. Their friends. Make it seem as if they are creating a new reality, rewriting their world. As if tomorrow were to start without them. A world without them ever existing." Gazette is surprised at herself.

Candice smirks. This job will be very easy for her. Manipulation is her middle name, after all.

After she leaves, Gazette and Thalia smirk at each other. They share a quick conversation. "How many will you sponsor do you think?"

"I will decide after the interview, but I already have some ideas," Gazette replies.

"I do too, dear."

The Gamemakers walk out and compare notes.

The Task:

You are being interviewed by Candace Canetti in a very isolated room, Peacekeepers at the doors. She will try to manipulate you, and find out the deepest, darkest secrets within you. You have two choices: let her manipulate you, or fight back. It is like the normal interviews but, you will not chose an angle. Therefore your tribute doesn't know about this until you are pulled into a room, so be smart.

Here are the questions that will be asked:

What would happen if you weren't born?

How would your family be without you? Your friends?

Do you think that you are a contender in the Games?

What are your biggest fears?

Who is the one person you can't live without?

And finally, do you believe you were ever of importance?


There will be no kills in this task, but you will be asked to give a ballot kill. This is based on who is the better writer and not by popularity. We will ask for 3 per tribute. Remember you are voting for the person you want out of the games and they will have negative points on their task. At the end of each task the viewers will vote for who they want in. At the end of this task none will be up for votes, but remember your score is through 1-12, so don't rush. This task is very important get people glued to you.

Word Limit: 900 words.

Due: Aug 5th, 2015. 7 pm PST and 10 pm eastern time

Candice will sponsor one tribute. Gazette and Thalia both have a list of who they want to sponsor based on the tribute entries. Make this as good as possible.

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